Are there any more pictures like this?


First time out of the vault

i found it today
very cool pic, somebody have maybe more pics kind of this?
I edited your thread title - I know english isn't your first language, but in the future please remember that "u" and "r" are letters, not words.
The pic is in .GIF format, and can be easily animated using simple programs like MSpaint and Gif Movie gear.


Here you go, a bit messy and the camera flies all over the place, didn't want to spend hours on millimetral calculation... meh, try to do better if you don't like it :P
If it weren't for that there would be tons and tons of Fallout gifs around. I extracted a couple of .frm's a week or two ago with the intention of making some gifs, but I gave up as soon as I saw that the individual frames almost never matched each other in dimension. Like Wooz said, too much effort for too little reward.
theres always this one

a few people have avatars off muties and bots shooting as well
If someone gives me the individual files, i'll have too much timeon my ands after my exams are over (19 days)

pm.. or whatever.

Or if can be bothered to learn how to extract them, all the better
Thanks, I'll downlaod it tomorrow morning when everyone's off the server (when America sleeps)

this one looks better (stole it from Rama who got it from vault52 it seems)
SuAside said:

this one looks better (stole it from Rama who got it from vault52 it seems)
I think the animation I made looks more realistic. The guy is falling to the front, so why should his feet move backwards?

Oops, I missed out some white spots.. maybe I will fix that later today..