Are you a druggie?


First time out of the vault
Just wondering how other players think about chems in the Fallout New Vegas game. My current character is a somewhat hooked on Buffout and Psycho. So, are you a druggie?
I remember role playing a ginger guy called Mick who was addicted to moonshine. It was totally a subconscious decision I swear!
Same as in real life.. I stay away from anythining "drug" related unless i have to take it.
In real life i barley use painkillers :|
Makta said:
Same as in real life.. I stay away from anythining "drug" related unless i have to take it.
In real life i barley use painkillers :|

My policies (in the game and in real life) are pretty similar, though not as strict when it comes to the OTC stuff, but for some reason they went right out the window for NV. Aside from RP runs with characters predisposed to using them, I avoided chems like the plague in 1, 2, Tactics, and even F3 (not that the game was ever hard enough to make them necessary, anyway). In New Vegas, though, with the difficulty amped up to acceptable levels, I find myself popping them sometimes just to survive (owing mostly to the fact that I tend to play melee characters or absolute weaklings who find plenty of reasons to need the buffs).

Turbo is a godsend, too. A lot of the time I'll cheat and skirt my prohibitions by giving my no-drug characters Implant GRX.
when I was in my 20's I was a pretty bad alcoholic and quit drinking in 2009. Quit smoking in 2012. Now you'd think given my past I'd be against these things yet my character is a chain smoking boozer that's addicted to Mentats. Why Mentats? Because I feel like it is why.
Avoided drugs in Fallout 1&2, Tactics and 3. Ive yet to complete NV so i might use them. If its necessary to survive i kind of have to.

Usually playing a heavy gunner or a sniper character, we´ll see.
The only ever time I really needed to take any drugs like med-x or the sort was when I decided to attempt to kill Fawkes at level 30. Now that would have been a good boss fight for Fallout 3.
I wish you could smoke cigarettes unmoded. I've always pictured my character as a chain smoker (almost like Constantine pre-lung cancer/Dark one deal).

Other than that: Rarely. I'd rather not deal with the effects of addiction. That and I just collect and sell them when I need the cash.
I used them in two of my playthroughs.
The first time, near the end of Fallout 1, I had to use lots of mentats because I wanted to end the diplomatic way.
Now, in my dumb (and jinxed) playthrough in Fallout 2, in some fights I need to enhance my abbilities. I try not to use mentats, because that kind of kills the purpose of usng a dumb character.
No, never, unless it's absolutely necessary. I usually just collect them to trade later. Also, that awkward moment when you find out mentats aren't mints.
pyroD said:
Also, that awkward moment when you find out mentats aren't mints.

I generally don't use drugs. It's simple enough to get by without using them, so why should you deal with the chance of addiction and blowing a couple hundred caps on a doctor or on Fixer? I do home brew some drugs such as slasher and rocket, they rid you of surplus supplies, and you can make some good caps on the side.