Armageddon Empires released - Post-Apocalyptic TBS

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
We got this press release, courtesy of Vic Davis:<blockquote>Press Release

Armageddon Empires Game Release (July 17, 2007) – Indie game developer Cryptic Comet announced today that their turn based strategy game Armageddon Empires was available for purchase at their website via digital download. Set in a grim post-apocalyptic future, Armageddon Empires challenges you to rule the wasteland by building a pocket empire on the bones and burning metallic hulks of your enemies. Gather resources, deploy armies, and crush your foes without mercy.

Armageddon Empires takes the best elements of collectable card games (don’t worry there are no cards to chase you get them all), board games, and computer games and brings them all together to provide a unique strategy war game experience. Choose a normal size map and battle in a death match with a single AI opponent finishing within an hour or select a huge map and slug it out with the other 3 factions in a game of epic proportions.

Game Features
- Turn based strategy game in a post-apocalyptic setting versus 1 to 3 AI opponents.
- Hexagonal maps depicting the ravaged wastes of earth circa 2345 featuring 3 map sizes ranging from normal to huge.
- 4 playable factions each with unique units, art and playing styles.
- Over 75 faction heroes lead your armies into battle. Heroes allow for larger, more effective armies and have their own special abilities that can change the tide of battle or even create new weapons and technology cards.
- Over 200 unique units wage battle across the savage landscape; command infantry, cyborgs, robots, powered battle armor, armor, artillery, mecha, biomecha and many more.
- Over 80 unique special abilities for heroes and units; abilities like multi-targeting, shock attack, double attack, fanatic, military genius and valor allow you to find exciting combos of play just like you would in a collectible card or miniatures game.
- Collectible card game flavor without the expense. Each hero, unit or facility is a card that can be added to your play deck.
- Board game mechanics. Roll a unit’s attack die versus another unit’s defense die and play special abilities and cards to alter the results.
- Assassinate enemy heroes, sabotage enemy facilities, gather intelligence through espionage and stealth, hunt down enemy heroes and hold them prisoner.
- Drop thermonuclear weapons on your enemies or load out your units with tactical nuke cards created by your leading technologists.
- Challenging goal based AI agents see the same game you do and must gather intelligence, build armies and formulate plans just like you: “No cheating.”

Armageddon Empires is available for the PC and will soon be available for the Mac OSX as well. A 20 turn demo is available at the Cryptic Comet website as well.</blockquote>Be sure to give the demo a whirl.

Link: Armageddon Empires website.
It's funny that they send us press releases and Bethesda don't.
I played a bit time demo and its interesting. Good that game works under Linux very fine, after running under Wine. Hm i didn't found on page any information about multiplayer or hot-seat... anyone read manual and found info about that?
A hex based strategy game?
Bloody hell, that takes me back. I remember when that type of game flooded the market, and PC mags were absolutely sick of them. Those were the days. [/old codger mode]

Still, hexes were never my favourite, but I just have to try this out.
Briosafreak said:
Wasteland Stories said:
Bethesda don't
Bethesda's send press-release to DaC, isn't it?

I download demo now. Keep my eye on this project :shock:

You mean the E3 press release? They got it from my blog, and I got it from another blog.

Wow, Bethesda sure are interested in keeping the oldest, largest Fallout fansites out there informed about Fallout. :roll:
Grotesque said:
is there a tutorial for this game?

There is a "Tutorials" button on the main page, right between "Factions" and "After Action Reports". :)
Having played the demo I could easily see myself wasting a lot of time on this. Though I have so much to play already..
The art is just superb though.
Looks neat, the artwork reminds me a lot of Dune2's :)


I Forked out for it, it really is very nice (there's a new demo now as well, more turns and sped up dice rolls).

There's loads of Fallout references in it, so far I have encountered an underground bunker called 'Vault 13', and a wrecked oil rig called 'Enclave' in my games. There's also been some Mad Max inspired encounters (I've bumped into a guy called Humungus leading some raiders!).

Worth noting the author is actively interacting with the customers too, and many requests/improvements got incorporated into the first patch, which is pretty cool. I'm not usually into card based wargames games, but I'm hooked. Only real issues for me are that it won't run windowed, nor has it got MP.
I have played the game and ended up spending a lot more time I wanted to. It has very elegent mechanisms IMO, and the AI is rather good.
No multiplayer planned though (which is a shame).
What I appreciate the most is the diversity of the games, their intensity and their short duration (1-4h).

There is a tutorial there (with a very good presentation of the game):
But given the card nature of the game, there is little chance your initial drawing hand would be the same as in the tuto.
Casting raise dead on this since I just heard about this game today and checked the demo out, really cool. If you guys do multiple newsposts of Hellgate London, I think you oughta ask these guys if they have anything new for you to put up on the front page, they deserve the free advertising. :P

Pretty much agree what other people in here said, very cool game, kinda wish it had multiplayer. This is the sort of thing you could play for months/years if you get a good group of regular players going, tweaking decks and making new ones.

Overall very impressed. I also like that one of the Empire of Man heroes is named "Fulton Strangelove" and looks suspiciously like Peter Sellers and is in a wheelchair. Good stuff.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Casting raise dead on this since I just heard about this game today and checked the demo out, really cool. If you guys do multiple newsposts of Hellgate London, I think you oughta ask these guys if they have anything new for you to put up on the front page, they deserve the free advertising. :P

Pretty much agree what other people in here said, very cool game, kinda wish it had multiplayer. This is the sort of thing you could play for months/years if you get a good group of regular players going, tweaking decks and making new ones.

Overall very impressed. I also like that one of the Empire of Man heroes is named "Fulton Strangelove" and looks suspiciously like Peter Sellers and is in a wheelchair. Good stuff.


think i'm gonna try to get this for jesus day.