Armor made from Traffic Signs (Pic Heavy)

Mr Krepe said:
Beautiful, I applaud you my good sir. Just out of interest, how long did it take you to make it, because i'm currently doing some armour made from scrap and salvaged materials in my garage (usually old car bits, and mesh metal put together and the sort), and my armour has taken several months (over a year really), to even get about half way through.

Thank you kindly!

I hadn't really thought about it, so I looked it up :D and the amount of time that elapsed between my client sending me the materials deposit and the date that I completed the armor was about 1.5 months (working on it in the evenings after my kids were in bed and occasionally on the weekends)

The one thing I can say about making armor from scrap materials is that a Pop-Rivet gun is your best friend!!! If you don't already have one, it's well worth the $20ish investment.