Art Contest!

Fallout Fan Comic

Hey I got an idea how about we make a fallout comic...
any one want to contribute a story
I will draw it...

Good idea, post it in a new thread.

What it the genre of the comic going to be? Serious of comical?

My contrabution (serious),



A child, age apx 15/16 running out of a small shady sands style hut that is ablaze in a small settlement. Raiders are half way through a siege on the small settlement, pillageing and razing the place.

In the backround some of the settlers are mounting a counter offensive with spears and small arms fire. They are no match for the raiders and it is obvious they are going to be slaughtered. A large banner displaying the raiders symbol can be seen.


The child manages to escape into the woods, he takes one last look back at the Raiders symbol before scuttering off into the wastes.


Having little experiance in outdoorsmanship the kid soon becomes dehydrated a few days later and is near death when he is picked up by a groupe of slavers.


Several years pass, being a slave for so long soon hardens the young pup into a man and he eventually kills some of his captors and escapes with a 9mm pistol and a bag of caps to his name.

Pic 5:

He swears vengence of the Raider clan that attacked his home those years ago and vows to kill every one of them.


What do you think? Its not very original but its a start
Tsk. One suggestion

Pic 4: The slavers stumble into a deathclaw, which slaughters everyone in a huge gore feast involving slavers, the kid, and a mutated squirrel who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The death and slaughter pictures go on for about six pages.
yeah thats good...
and I always do 6pages comic...
anyway Im busy with 2 title right now Mothrider and Deathscene
but I will try to do it.
any one else here like to draw comic?

I've had the idea for a post-apocalyptic comic floating around for a while now (almost three years actually). I'd draw it myself though and mainly for my own amusement... I suck at drawing people though, realistic or not. :P
Yea, When I get my scanner loaded up and running I will start makin some comic pics, I have always wanted to draw a comic for F2
Wooz said:
Tsk. One suggestion

Pic 4: The slavers stumble into a deathclaw, which slaughters everyone in a huge gore feast involving slavers, the kid, and a mutated squirrel who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The death and slaughter pictures go on for about six pages.


comical fallout comic with lots of gore is what's needed :lol:

DarkLegacy said:

Just a nice little scenario when you just forget to save.


Is that a reinder with those antlers ?

And Kahgan, nice drawning. Thats th kind of art the comic would need I think, since its just a fan thing.

Thats if anyone does it at least.