Assassin's creed


Antediluvian as Feck
Is anyone else looking forward to this game? I'm waiting for it to come out on the Xbox 360. This is really the kind of game I'd be really disappointed if they fuck up, it has so much potential. The whole concept is awesome, with a free-roam designed medieval world, where you can pick up missions at will. I hope they put some kind of replayability element in it, like in the GTA games. Only thing I don't really like is combat, for it's apparent lack of fluidity. Feels like the game could fall on that, but then you might have to trust the developers, as they made the Prince of Persia games.
pretty hyped, i'll just wait for it to be released & judge then.

the fact that the dude jumps from roof to roof in full mail is kinda funny though.
There is also a Sci-Fi element to the game which has not been revealed in too much depth other than saying "there is a sci-Fi element". A free roaming game set in a middle-ages timeline is a neat concept though.I hope its good because I have only two games for the 360 at the moment because most of the games suck and I really want a new one.And Halo 3 can suck my balls.
SuAside said:
the fact that the dude jumps from roof to roof in full mail is kinda funny though.

A modern hauberk made from 1.5 mm diameter wire with 10 mm inner diameter rings weighs roughly 10 kg and contains 15,000–45,000 rings.

Could definitely do that. Besides, don't think it's full mail.

I think they spoiled everything by even TELLING about the sci-fi thing, especially previewers. Fuck Gamespy.
The Overseer said:
A modern hauberk made from 1.5 mm diameter wire with 10 mm inner diameter rings weighs roughly 10 kg and contains 15,000–45,000 rings.
Could definitely do that. Besides, don't think it's full mail.
i'd still love to see you make jumps & rolls with that + your weapons. ;)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's in top shape. 10 kg isn't that much, but make it more like 5 kg, as it's not full mail. Weapons aren't that heavy either. A contemporal sword weighed around 1 kg. Definitely doable. Besides, that's completely irrelevant, it's a video game.
I love how their song of choice for one of the trailers wasn't the generic Oblivion orchestral music but UNKLE's Lonely Soul. I'm interested to see what they'll do with this game.
It looks interesting, although obviously silly and overly theatrical.

The sc-fi element is going to be something with genetic memory, supposedly meaning that you're actually playing a genetic memory of the assassin's of one of your forefathers. Somewhat odd.
If you don't mind telling me Sander. Where did you get that piece of information?
TorontRayne said:
If you don't mind telling me Sander. Where did you get that piece of information?
Can't remember, actually. Might've even been the dreaded wikipedia, in which case you can probably just ignore what I just said.
Sander said:
TorontRayne said:
If you don't mind telling me Sander. Where did you get that piece of information?
Can't remember, actually. Might've even been the dreaded wikipedia, in which case you can probably just ignore what I just said.

The rumors I heard have more to do with time travel elements and ancient artifacts of potentially alien origin?

I'm sure it's all speculative though.
xdarkyrex said:
The rumors I heard have more to do with time travel elements and ancient artifacts of potentially alien origin?

I'm sure it's all speculative though.
(Spoilers ahead, kinda, if you don't like to read about leaked info about an upcoming game.)

Actually I've heard exactly what Sander is talking about. The game over/death scene has been shown, and it presents it as kinda like a glitch in a computer program. Not everything has been revealed, obviously, and I'm sure there's still a surprise or two, but I'm fairly certain that the info about it being genetic memory, and some people are looking for the descendant of one of the original assassins from medieval times and they have a sci-fi way of looking at the genetic memory or some such is reliable. Unfortunate that it got leaked, as I'm looking forward to this game as well, but there ya go.
I hate spoilers for things that aren't even out yet. Shroud yourselves in secrecy, fools, for the nazgul ride tonight.
Presumably a BS concept that real memory is passed on stored in DNA and can be recalled with science wizardry. A far less likely but marginally more credible variation would be to put someone in a simulation which unlocks inheritable skills.