Assault Weapons Ban Lifted.

Assault Weapons, as defined by the ban were basically any rifle that had a high capacity detachable magazine, grenade launcher and or bayonet lug or flash supressor...

Full auto rifles are still banned as are all full auto weapons.

The only thing the "assault weapons" ban actually banned was the sale of scary looking semi automatic rifles. It was a bullshit ban when it was first inacted.

Now i can buy those 30 round mags for my AR-15.
Why cant people just get along, why would you need to buy semi automatic assault rifles? what use can you have from it, and dont fucking say its for hunting, because semi automatic 9mm MAC-10 is not used to kill deer, only other people.

do something positive, like plant a fucking tree or something instead.
a MAC-10 aint no assault rifle, dear Sovz.

you seem to know more about hamsters than about weapons (which is a good thing). ;)

all i can really say is that only collectors with extremely special permits can have "weapons of war" in belgium.
hell, some polititians here got their panties in a bunch because some policeforce wanted to sell off their old pistols to a legal armsdealer instead of having them destroyed this week... so you can pretty much forget about heavy weapons overhere.
I buy weapons like that for their astatic beauty and because i love shooting recreationaly. The Ar-15 i have is almost identical to the M16 i use, only difference is that the m16 has a bayonet lug.

I know a lot of people that buy the civilian versions of AR-15's and AK-47 and 74's.. Mostly because they are damn fine hunting rifles.

As for the high capacity magazines, If you've ever ran out of ammunition at a really inopportune moment you would understand why having that few extra rounds in each magazine is a blessing. both for hunting, and home defense.
The fact that any sane or insane US citizen may buy a shotgun and shotgun ammo in any quantities scares me, and if they can't buy a scary sounding AK-47 but can buy some semi-auto pistol which can be unblocked into a full auto SMG scares me even more.

And don't think that you can overthrow the US government that easly, there's a law that allows the president to call an emergency state and lock up any number of individuals (citizens or not) without an apparent reason... Don't worry about lack of space FEMA will take care of building enough temprorary prison camps or something like that :)
problem with modifying pistols to full auto is that it really isnt as easy as it sounds, and there's a chance that you could just end up fucking over the entire gun.
Jebus said:
So, the only thing AK's and such have ever been used for in the USA is for killing fellow citizens...

Jebus, either you simply dont know what the fuck your talking about, or your simply lying out of your ass.

Automatic weapons (such as AK series assult riffles) have been illegal FOR AROUND 70 YEARS.

The 'assult weapons' that were banned were banned for purely cosmetic reasons, not for rate of fire. Only se-mi-au-to-mat-ic weapons are legal in the states. That means 1 pull of the trigger sends one bullet flying. An automatic weapon is a weapon where you canfire multiple bullets with one trigger pul, or by holding the trigger.

First, your definition of a machine gun is vague.


A fully automatic weapon (a machine gun) is one that fires a succession of bullets so long as the trigger is depressed or until the ammunition supply is exhausted. In addition, any weapon that shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot automatically, more than one shot at a time by a single trigger pull, is legally considered to be a machine gun.

Submachine guns are fully automatic weapons that fire a handgun cartridge and can be operated by one person. Sometimes they are referred to as machine pistols.

A machine gun can normally fire between 400 and 1,000 rounds (bullets) per minute, or between 7 and 17 rounds per second.

Now on to the laws. You are wrong about automatic weapons being banned in the United States.

Machine Guns

The 1934 National Firearms Act requires registration and thorough background checks for those who manufacture, buy and sell machine guns and sawed-off shotguns.

An amendment to the Firearms Owners' Protection Act of 1986 generally outlaws the sale, transfer and possession of new machine guns. The transfer of machine guns that were manufactured before May 1986 is permitted but a fee of $200 is required.

I guess that means I can own a .50 calibre Browning M2 Machine Gun now doesn't it. If I am not mistaken, Idaho and Missouri are the most free states in the United States in terms of gun ownership. Check their laws if you want to. I am almost 100% sure it is legal to own a Minigun in at least one of those two states but I could be wrong. I am pretty sure I have a ATF gun law chart somewhere, I will try to look for it and post it.


Crime with Legally Owned Machine Guns

In 1995 there were over 240,000 machine guns registered with the BATF. (Zawitz, Marianne,Bureau of Justice Statistics, Guns Used in Crime [PDF].) About half are owned by civilians and the other half by police departments and other governmental agencies (Gary Kleck, Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control, Walter de Gruyter, Inc., New York, 1997.)

Since 1934, only one legally owned machine gun has ever been used in crime, and that was a murder committed by a law enforcement officer (as opposed to a civilian). On September 15th, 1988, a 13-year veteran of the Dayton, Ohio police department, Patrolman Roger Waller, then 32, used his fully automatic MAC-11 .380 caliber submachine gun to kill a police informant, 52-year-old Lawrence Hileman. Patrolman Waller pleaded guilty in 1990, and he and an accomplice were sentenced to 18 years in prison. The 1986 'ban' on sales of new machine guns does not apply to purchases by law enforcement or government agencies.
Thanks to the staff of the Columbus, Ohio Public Library for the details of the Waller case.

Source: talk.politics.guns FAQ, part 2.

In Targeting Guns, Kleck cites the director of BATF testifying before Congress that he knew of less than ten crimes that were committed with legally owned machine guns (no time period was specified). Kleck says these crimes could have been nothing more than violations of gun regulations such as failure to notify BATF after moving a registered gun between states.

Note: Last Updated: 12/13/2003

If I understood what Jebus said, then according to my last quote, Jebus does know what he is talking about.
The right to bear arms.


Arms is one thing, holding weapons in them and playing soldiers is another.
"Animals don't have war, war is an invention of mankind."

"What are you talking about? Animals fight all the time."

"Not with Nuclear Arms. You can't hug your children with Nuclear Arms."
PsychoSniper said:
Jebus said:
So, the only thing AK's and such have ever been used for in the USA is for killing fellow citizens...

Jebus, either you simply dont know what the fuck your talking about, or your simply lying out of your ass.

Automatic weapons (such as AK series assult riffles) have been illegal FOR AROUND 70 YEARS.

No they aren't. Machine guns are banned, automatic weapons aren't. That means you can buy an AK 47, AK 74, AKM or whatnot, and only the RPK 74 and the PKM are banned. Same with the American line of guns: you can buy a CAR 15 'n such, but no M 60.

And watch your language.
Automatic does not necessarily mean Full-Automatic or cyclic fire.

Automatic weapons are those that rely on their own power (usually gas from spent shells) to expell spent cartridges and load a new one into the chamber. M9s and Colt .45s for instance are automatics. (pistols)

Now unless you're using a machine gun, which are banned, chances are cyclic fire is going to be pretty much useless, as it would be impossible to control the weapon after the fourth bullet leaves the chamber. This is why the US Military has kept the M16A2 non-cyclic, with only a single shot, or 3 shot burst mode, in order to keep from wasting ammunition.

Small calliber sub-machineguns are easier to control full-auto than assault rifles or sub-machineguns that use .45 ACP slugs, but you're still not going to hit anything unless you're engaged in Close Quarters Combat. In which case, you might as well be using a shotgun anyways, as a shotgun can provide a greater force in the same area instantaneously.

Its insanely difficult to get legally registered weapons with cyclic rates of fire in the United States, as the permit is very expensive, and requires an insane amount of background checks and government assesments. Last I checked, there are only 1,000 citizens in the US that are qualified to own and operate fully-automatic weapons. Then again, I could be wrong, as sources aren't always totally reliable.

I'd also like to point out at this time that there isn't really such a thing as an "assault weapon" as the term was invented by the media and lawmakers to make certain weapons sound more scary.
One of the big surprises in the weapons industry in the 1980s was the popularity of military-type weapons. While the industry was suffering declining, if not stagnant sales in some markets, the military-type weapons were showing a boom. Some of the first legislation was targetted against foreign imports- a move to protect US gun manufacturers from foreign competition. The ban occurred after a number of rather nasty gunfights and massacres in which semi-automatic military-type weapons were banned.

Naturally the industry has been hurt by the sales. Naturally they have an interest in maximizing profits. Like big tobacco, do you really think they care how those weapons are used?

Bradylama- I believe that one of the weapons used in Columbine was a Tec-9 weapon, made by a company that advertised that the gun would not reveal fingerprints.

Psycho- Chinese made AK-47s were used in the 1980s and 1990s prior to the ban. Many had not been altered from being fully automatic when they were shipped into the US. An AK-47 was used in a schoolyard shooting and was one of the reasons for the ban in the first place.

Fully automatic weapons have been illegal for a long time. But semi-automatic weapons do allow the shooter to fire rapidly by constantly squeezing a trigger. How many time can you squeeze a trigger? 40 times per minute? Also semi-automatic weapons were generally held to be more accurate than fully automatic weapons.

Why are the police so keen on keeping these off the streets? Well how much penetration does an AK round have?
Ok, so lets look at the cost effectiveness-

Cost of a full magazine-
approximately $75

Cost of MAC 10/11 Conversion manual for making your Mac 10 fully automatic - $11.95
(also check Amazon and Barnes and Nobles for editions of the Full Auto library!)

Cobray M 11/9 - $550 (for example)

Cost of fully automatic Mac 10 Clone (to a scrupulous drug dealer/gangbanger/terrorist/militia wacko/other assorted killer) - $ 636.95

Costs to Police Officers for keeping them off the street = Priceless

We've had a few gun threads here. Lots of info- worth reading if you want to get informed.

Do yourself a favor- realize that this is a hotly political issue and that both sides are telling you want they want you to hear. Instead look at both sides and do your own homework.
As a follow-up to my previous post, I was talking about the legal means to acquire fully automatic weapons in the US.

Anybody with ties to Organized Crime and a syndicate's massive amounts of resources can acquire a fully automatic gun illegally on the black market. Not that it'd be any more deadly, but you get the point.
The Californian state ban is still in effect and it bans much more weapons than the federal one ever did. Not that this will stop anyone determined enough from getting a Mac90 or other flavor of the month. Such bans really only restrict people who follow the rules. :roll:
anyone who is 21 or older, and can pass a criminal background check can legally own a machine gun... you just need to get it from a class 3 dealer, and pay the transfer fee. (atleast thats what i understand from what my wise and firearm-loving neighbor explained to me... but im not sure about anything outside of ohio)

as for the 2nd amendment... the reason the founding fathers put it in there to begin with was for militias. although the days of the town militias are gone, the main reason we still have it is to scare other countrys... i mean seriously, who would invade a country where almost anyone can own a gun, and over half the civilian population does?

dealing with the gun related crime issue... I seriously say give everyone a gun and teach them how to use it... people will have to think twice before committing a gun crime. and thats coming from a criminal justice major...
WarMonger said:
as for the 2nd amendment... the reason the founding fathers put it in there to begin with was for militias. although the days of the town militias are gone, the main reason we still have it is to scare other countrys... i mean seriously, who would invade a country where almost anyone can own a gun, and over half the civilian population does?

America would/has/will :P

Never quite understood how having 3 ten round magazines or 1 30 round one really matters on a semi auto..Reloading isn't that hard
I was at a gun show last year and there was a stand selling little instruction manuals for how to make certain guns fully automatic. Is that legal?
Bradylama said:
If I remember right, you yankees have the right to bare arms written in your constitution, which is really sad.

Yeah, its really sad how the Founding Fathers gave us the ability to overthrow the government in case we needed to.
The wording of the second amendment was misleading. The context of it was meant to be read that every citizen had the responsibilty to bear arms and register in a local militia. Obviously we are not so worried about another attack from the British, or the Mexicans, so I wonder why we should need assault weapons (stupid moniker) in our own homes.

/edit: @ Phil. Yes it's legal to sell books. Using the books to make full-auto weapons/silencers is not.