Asskissing uber alles


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BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) -- Poland has vowed not to pull troops out of Iraq because of "terrorist" attacks and said it was willing to remain in command of a stabilisation force there if Spain, which had been due to take over, withdrew.

Spain was due to take command of 9,000 troops in central Iraq on July 1, but that was thrown into doubt on Monday when Socialist Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said he could bring home the Spanish 1,300 troops currently there.

"Revising our positions on Iraq after terrorists attacks would be to admit that terrorists are stronger and that they are right (to pursue attacks)," Prime Minister Leszek Miller told a news conference in the Polish town of Tarnow.


Poland has 2,400 troops in Iraq and has led a 9,000-strong division of troops from 24 nations in a central-south zone since last September.

"If it is necessary, we will continue leading the multinational division," Polish Ambassador to NATO Jerzy M. Nowak told Reuters in Brussels. "We are prepared for that even if Spain is not able to fulfil its promise."


I am so sorry that your country is doing the best it can to help stabalize the one hope for Arab democracy.
"Arab"? "Democracy"?


Iraq isn't Arab. And the government enforced there isn't and won't be a democracy.

In any case, this is hardly the time for the government to boast one's determination to occupy Iraq...

A "bomb us next" flag would do the trick better than pompous speeches from a prime minister about to get flung out of the government.
I realized I gave the post a completely different meaning than I intended to, it's edited now.
I think that a democratic state is not too far off. But I'm not to sure it will be a(n) Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish state all rolled into one. Simply put it this, I can't gaurentee it will be a democratic state, but I can gaurentee that as long as the U.S. is there and/or has some kind of presence, it won't be anything else, once a government forms.
Wooz69 said:
Iraq isn't Arab. And the government enforced there isn't and won't be a democracy.

In any case, this is hardly the time for the government to boast one's determination to occupy Iraq...

A "bomb us next" flag would do the trick better than pompous speeches from a prime minister about to get flung out of the government.

A) Iraq is not ethnically Arab-technically-but they speak an Arab language, fallow Arab customs, speak Arabic and follow a distinctly Arab religion. I'd argue that, say, Algeria, or Lebanon are debateable-Iraq, on the other hand, has been Arab for low these last pathetic 1300 years.

B) I'd say that it will, eventually, despite everything be a democracy, as any elected US president will have a profound interest in the future of the nation.

C) Hell yes it is. Giving into terrorsim leads to more of it.

D) Yeah, which is why we raised a white flag on 9/11. Give me a break. Did you guys sit around and wait for Austria to be annexed by the Turks? No! You guys fought in one of the greatest defenses of Christiandom sense Las Novas de Tolosa, or hell maybe Tours. Now, when faced with a dozen dead, you guys are willing to run away. Riiiiighhhhhtttttt.
Paladin Solo said:
but I can gaurentee that as long as the U.S. is there and/or has some kind of presence, it won't be anything else, once a government forms.

Well, I think that as long as the coalition troops are there, there won't be anything close to a democratic state.

The UN should take care of this, seriously.

Meh, I was expecting comments on blind asskissing, not another debate on the legitimacy of the "liberators" :?
I was just trying to sound smart by laying out a really obvious point out there. Oh well, whether it worked or not, I'm still gaining posts. *cough* yeah uhh asskicking, er, kissing...democracy and such...Ik ben vertraagd
The Australian government has to follow America on most military issues (even though the people do not really support it). This is because we need strong defence ties to keep us safe, located so close to South-East Asia as we are(you can count our navy on your fingers, we only have a population of 20 million people, our NZ allies don't even have an airforce and Indonesia is far more powerful than us).

The Head of our Labor Party, opposition leader, Mark Latham, has got into serious trouble for calling the government "ass lickers", for unquestionably following US foreign policy.

Even then (and especially then) I think it is highly probable that there will be a repeat of the results of the Spanish elections. Latham will be elected as Prime Minister in a backlash against the lies of the conservatives and their decision to go to war (EDIT)supporting America as part of the coalition of the willing.

We may need to kiss American ass, but that doesn't mean the people support US policy.

A random fact
We have the Greens party (environmentalist, super liberal, hippies). Our politicians have been so poor compared to the Greens leader, senator Bob Brown, a good man, that they have gained a fairly high number of votes recently. Labor will probably snatch these back because the all powerful media is being very supportive of Latham.
Saw a small documentary about Osama last night, and there was this French reporter who made a rather interesting comment. According to him, the USA government knows where Osama is. The only reason why they haven't caught him yet, is because they don't want to yet. The reporter said they are waiting until, say, a month before election time. Then, Osama will get captured and Bush will be the world's biggest hero ever! That way, he'll get elected again!

Well, just thought I'd tell you. It's funny though, how a rather small group of extremists are getting in total control of world history: we might think that we know what we are doing when we are electing totally different prime ministers (the so-called peacefull ones) all over the world right now, but aren't we doing exactly what those extremists want? And do we really think and believe that these terrorist attacks will stop once we got chickens sitting in our governments? I doubt that, I really do. I'd rather have a harder and conservative party in these weird times, than a bunch of so-called humanists who think everything in the world can be solved through dialogue and luv and peace. There are too many known cases already where dialogue didn't solve doodley-squat. Do we really think we are that civilized? Whom are we kidding anyway? The world has been a rough place throughout history. A few meagre centuries of technological development and intellectualism didn't change that at all. It's still survival of the fittest out there. And it's still a struggle for existence. Deal with it!

Although I don't agree with the war in Iraq, I can understand that some people like to kiss the USA's ass. It's a normal thing to do. Some people need their bigger brothers to watch over them. Some like to think they don't. We'll eventually see who was right and who was wrong...
Blade Runner said:
We'll eventually see who was right and who was wrong...

It's all a matter of imperial overstretch, really. The USA can't keep up the world domination they have now forever... Especially not with an economy that's starting to stutter and a lower education level among the general population than Europe, for example.
Jebus said:
It's all a matter of imperial overstretch, really. The USA can't keep up the world domination they have now forever... Especially not with an economy that's starting to stutter and a lower education level among the general population than Europe, for example.

Don't forget the Chinese, man, why do we always tend to forget about the Chinese... :look:
Bladerunner said:
Don't forget the Chinese, man, why do we always tend to forget about the Chinese...

Hear, hear... I really think that the Chinese could become *the* superpower of the world, both economic and otherwise if they play their cards right. Both their BNP and their standard of living have grown explosively for a country that size the last decade or so (even though the difference between the rich and poor are massive). The only question is, how the hell would you go about democratizing a country as big as China (which really would be needed for them to become a real superpower, at least economicly)...
China's economy will fall within the next 20 years. It's aging population makes Japan look like Iran, and add that to the fact that most Children are in rural areas and almost everyone is male and you got a hell of a problem. Really, I think it is kind of sad that many people are supporting a literally Nazi regiem against the United States.

Which is why I am anouncing a temporary retirement from these kind of topics. I no longer have the time nor energy to fight against the entire forum. It is just getting tired, I write a 40 minute response to three people, then they all give even longer responses, and more people join in......uhh.
@Myrrdin: I wonder if democracy is really necessary to become a worldpower. But hey: you're probably right, Myrrdin, because I'm a 28-year-old retard and I don't know a thing. When I would say that China has recently changed parts of its constitution to open the way to a more capitalist society, I would most certainly be wrong. I was probably misinformed or, hey, I'm probably just a liar.

@CC: I might not agree with you on most topics, but I agree with you on your last post. It's... useless. I give up as well. These forums are apparently only visited by geniuses, people who know for sure that they are right about everything. We... I mean, I shouldn't come here anymore. It's too tiresome and I'm not clever enough. I thought I was, but then everyone told me something else. Sad but true...
Blade Runner said:
@CC: I might not agree with you on most topics, but I agree with you on your last post. It's... useless. I give up as well. These forums are apparently only visited by geniuses, people who know for sure that they are right about everything. We... I mean, I shouldn't come here anymore. It's too tiresome and I'm not clever enough. I thought I was, but then everyone told me something else. Sad but true...

To add some seriousness to your (well-founded) sarcasm:

Actually, the people here speak (type) with so much confidence, that it is hard to distinguish personal uncertainty from absolute truth sometimes. Also, this is the internet: any and all relevant information can be summoned at a moment's notice. Having a mastery of history or sociology in no way makes things that people say true nor valid. It is the ability for one to think for oneself that adds flavor and validity to arguments and viewpoints. You don't have to be eloquent either. Hell, I like reading off the wall stuff sometimes. CC might be extremely conservative, and some of the other Europeans here might seem extremely liberal. The differing viewpoints add flavor and life to what otherwise would be a stagnant place.

We need some more anarchists here to liven it up.

And some more satanists, and some more pacifists, and some more insane sociopathic paranoid schizos.........