Attitude Towards Mutants and Ghouls


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Fallout 2 had many examples of this. Apparently there seems to be some kind of racism against ghouls and mutants, a lot of people fail to realize that ghouls and mutants are humans too.

Vault City refused entry for mutants or ghouls and any human who showed even the slighted sign of mutation. Broken Hills had those conspiring to destroy the mutants. And then there was the Enclave's plot to kill off all mutants and impure humans on the mainland.

And as the Chosen One can say to Dick Richardson, mutants are simply a better form of humans. And to Charlie Curling, that mutants are another form of human.

It's just like real life society's intolerance towards people who are "different". As Marcus puts it, "what is it people got against mutants?"
I mean... you can't really blame people for being hostile towards super mutants. Most of the plot of Fallout 1 involved demonstrating how the super mutants were terrorizing everything and everyone. You know, the whole "super mutant army" thing. It doesn't matter how many peaceful mutants (i.e Marcus) there are, people will always remember the atrocities that the original super mutants committed in the past.
what about the ghouls? According to what Harold said, he had been picked on like a bad booger since he came back to town. All because of his appearance.

And didn't the American Government create the F.E.V virus to begin with? The same virus responsible for the creation of super mutants and the Master?
Ghouls haven't really done anything wrong. People don't like them solely because they look like zombies, unless there's something I missed out on in the lore.

As for the super mutants, most people either don't know or don't care about where the mutants originated from. All that matters is that super mutants were the ones that destroyed everything and that's all they care about.
Yah, and as for ghouls, ferals are canon now, so people are probably a little jumpy around even normal ones. Plus there's the fact that if you were an ignorant wastelander you could well assume that whatever caused their skin to fall off and rot might be contagious.
The more different someone appears from the "norm" the easier it is to "other" them. So even without the connections to the Master's soldiers and man-eating ferals, it makes sense that people as alien and repulsive looking as ghouls and mutants would be discriminated against. It seemed odd to me that in New Vegas there was no casual discrimination against ghouls like there was in F2.
The more different someone appears from the "norm" the easier it is to "other" them. So even without the connections to the Master's soldiers and man-eating ferals, it makes sense that people as alien and repulsive looking as ghouls and mutants would be discriminated against. It seemed odd to me that in New Vegas there was no casual discrimination against ghouls like there was in F2.

I mean there really is no discrimination at all against ghouls. I mean there's flipping ghouls strippers in Gomorrah XD
My guess is that the Mojave is more accepting of ghouls. Hence the aforementioned ghoul strippers, Rotface and Grecks. They are still not allowed into places like the New Vegas Strip unless they are accompanied with a human visitor or with a permission from an higher up.
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I mean there really is no discrimination at all against ghouls. I mean there's flipping ghouls strippers in Gomorrah XD

There is that NCR guy that wants all his ghoulified former comrades "put out off their misery" and the residents of Novac just want the ghouls gone by any means necessary, but these scenarios specifically involve ferals. There is not any casual discrimination at all in the Mojave. On the other hand, there are no mutants integrated into normal human society, except for Meansonoabitch, who was tortured by NCR soldiers. So we could presume that humans in NCR and the Mojave are openly hostile towards mutants?
Mr. Crowley from Fallout 3 made a good point when he argued, "we bleed, we hurt, we regret." But apparently, society doesn't care about what's in one's heart when all they can see is what's on the outside.
I always thought Hadrian at the Atomic Wrangler might have been some sort of comment that ghouls were under appreciated or treated like second class citizens, but I could have been reading into it too much. Overall New Vegas seems pretty accepting of freaks (especially Freeside and North Vegas Square) compared to New California, but truthfully this is somewhat analogous to the culture in real life Las Vegas, North Vegas, and Freemont Street. It could very easily be intentional since it's not like Obsidian to glance over plot details.
Mr. Crowley from Fallout 3 made a good point when he argued, "we bleed, we hurt, we regret." But apparently, society doesn't care about what's in one's heart when all they can see is what's on the outside.

I think fallout 3 is different though. Because the ghouls have been usrshed to own place under world. Not sure who says it but some says there fed up of getting shot at accidentally as people pursuming there feral or not knowing what they are at all.

I guess the different reaction of Ghouls in fo3 and FNV is different because of the PC. In fallout 3 you will have never in-countered a ghouls gob likley your first one. Where as in NV your PC will have likely seen them before. So I guess the choises of how treat ghouls is different in NV too. Cuz in fallout 3 you literally get to call them freak face or somethin of that description
It depends on canon.

However, logic would dictate that ghouls would eventually be redeemed as they are the primary sources for pre-war knowledge, simply due to their advanced age. I mean, Gecko got their nuclear power station running and who knows what kind of technological and scientific expertise they could offer. Gecko was also absorbed by NCR canon so if anything, major incidents of racism would be isolated to the exterior border areas of the NCR instead of NCR proper.
why is there racism in the world? In the past, people discriminated against African Americans because of the color of their skin, even calling those who sympathized with them "nigger lovers". Even today, there is still racism in many parts of the world.
what the fuck does that even have to do with fallout

An anagram of nigger lover is lever gringo.

Gringo is something people south of the border say.

People want to build a border wall.

Wall rhymes with fall.

Fall is the first part of Fallout.
An anagram of nigger lover is lever gringo.

Gringo is something people south of the border say.

People want to build a border wall.

Wall rhymes with fall.

Fall is the first part of Fallout.