Avatar, power armor with green eyes?


First time out of the vault
Ive seen a avatar like this, adv. power armor with green eyes, I just cant remember where and I cant seem to find the image on my HD I thought I downloaded. Ive been looking high and low and would be thankful if anyone know where I can find the pic of the greeneyed power armor :)

Im sorry to waste a topic like this, so why not just post lots of power armor pics here? Power amors rule :)

Btw, On the enclave in Fallout 2 there are some soldiers with a "Very advanced looking power armor" - the skin/texture is slightly different from the regular adv. power amor MK2, is it possible to fetch this armor somewhere? And is it possible to get Horrigans armor without cheating?

Oh, this could be the big poweramor thread :p
Pycnopodia said:
Btw, On the enclave in Fallout 2 there are some soldiers with a "Very advanced looking power armor" - the skin/texture is slightly different from the regular adv. power amor MK2, is it possible to fetch this armor somewhere? And is it possible to get Horrigans armor without cheating?
Are you sure? I've never noticed a different APA. Do any of the modders out there know if there is a different FRM for it?
The only armour in FO2 that is more advanced than APA is the armour that Frank Horrigan wears, although he is kinda integrated into it, what with being a cyborg and all.
You only get his armor thru a mod.

If you saw it as an avatar, odds are it was custom made, either from a custom FRM like my avatar, or as a redraw of a single frame.
Pycnopodia said:
Btw, On the enclave in Fallout 2 there are some soldiers with a "Very advanced looking power armor" - the skin/texture is slightly different from the regular adv. power amor MK2, is it possible to fetch this armor somewhere? And is it possible to get Horrigans armor without cheating?

nope to both, there are four power armours the PC can use; power armour, hardened power armour, advanced power armour and advanced power armour MKII. Frank horrigan is indeed integrated to the armour he wears, so there is no way you could have it except for in a mod.
There are only two frm's for power armours, the regular BOS one, and the enclave one, belive me, you have not seen a differant looking one, *unless* you had a mod installed.
Pycnopodia said:
Ive seen a avatar like this, adv. power armor with green eyes, I just cant remember where and I cant seem to find the image on my HD I thought I downloaded. Ive been looking high and low and would be thankful if anyone know where I can find the pic of the greeneyed power armor :)

Aww, why'd you want to replace that ky00tsie fox avatar?

Pycnopodia said:
Btw, On the enclave in Fallout 2 there are some soldiers with a "Very advanced looking power armor" - the skin/texture is slightly different from the regular adv. power amor MK2, is it possible to fetch this armor somewhere?

Probably a lighting effect. When people wearing metal armour face down and to the left it looks much more shiny, for instance.
Francisco, Thanks alot! Love you! :)
Im guessing the pic is custom-made, its awesome anyway.

The enclave power armor that looks different.. Just a few soldiers have it, I noticed it on the same floor as the president is in. I think the guy in the same room as the crazy scientists have it, and maybe some others. When looking at it the description says "Someone in a very advanced looking power armor".

I have installed 1.05 patch, maybe they changed the power armor there slightly.
Yep. There are som "elite" troops (or something) that have a ifferent, white body armor and who wields super-slegdehammers.
Pycnopodia said:
When looking at it the description says "Someone in a very advanced looking power armor".

Isn't that exactly what it says for each and every Enclave soldier who is wearing advanced power armour MKII? :roll:
yep, there are only *ONE* power armour frm, I have checked it in the official mapper, as Per said, they look differant because of lightning effect, the discription has nothing to say, it is just the differant scripts for the differant type of people that has differant descriptions...if the descriptions *are* differant that is, but Melchoir says they arent, so... :roll but anyway, if you dont belive me, then ask about it in the modding/hacking forum where there are more modders, they'll say the same as me.
The "power armor with green eyes" is probably just an image of the regular power armor someone did some RGB swapping on. You could make one in about five seconds.

There it is.. I guess someone made this, great work! :D
Per said:
Probably a lighting effect. When people wearing metal armour face down and to the left it looks much more shiny, for instance.
It may also have been that they had different weapons, the pic for the APA weilding a minigun looks slightly different from the one using a pistol (IIRC). Only slightly and only tiny changes much like those with the different angles.
PsychoSniper said:
You only get his armor thru a mod.
Yeah, I know that, but it wa the only "very advanced" power armour that I could think of (other than the APA).