AvP (spoilers)


Vault Senior Citizen
Well I was looking forward to AvP just like I was with Terminator 3. Now that I’ve seen it I’m gonna give you guys another review…like I did with Terminator 3.

Things I liked: Overall and generally speaking the story line fits in pretty well with the Alien and Predator movies, especially the relationship between the two species: In Alien and Aliens, we see that the eggs are in some sort of large non-manmade spaceship. I always found it extremely doubtful that the xenomorph aliens built it themselves so the only better explanation is that there is another, more intelligent and technologically advanced extraterrestrial life-form involved: the Predators. Also the idea of the Predators being worshiped as gods is not so bad either. And it was nice to see the Aliens battling the Predators. But, as always, I expected more from the movie that just this. Sadly that’s all the movie has to offer. Now the things I hated:

The aspect that I really dislike, which seems to be happening in a lot of newer movies, is the fact that everything has to be explained to the viewer to the smallest detail. The Italian archeologist just takes one look at some hieroglyphics on a stone and spills out the entire history of the pyramids, the predators and so on. Yes I know, it could make sense since he’s an archeologist and everything (even though I doubt he’d be able to get that whole story from looking at a single stone tablet in 10 seconds), but why just spell everything out for the viewer? This wasn’t occurring that much in the previous movies of the series. Here’s an example: In Alien3 Ripley says that this alien moves differently and that was it. She didn’t spew out every little detail like “Oh you see, the facehugger impregnated a dog and therefore the creature that developed from it moves faster, and runs more like…a dog.” The viewer can figure this out simply by paying a little attention and thinking. With AvP, this type of interaction between the viewer and the movie is just lost.

Almost all of the human characters were just used as bait for the aliens and predators; there was no attempt at any character development. Literally everyone dies in the movie, which also happens in the previous movies of the series. But in Aliens and in Predator (where we also saw a large group of people wasted) you had a chance to get to know the characters, even though some of them died pretty early in the movie. With AvP the only deeper sort of development was when that scrfaced guy and Spud from Trainspotting said that they had kids...and that was crappy as hell. Oh and the main actress, hehe, well in an interview she went on how Sigourney inspired her but that she develops a different sort of heroin role in the movie and blah blah. There’s no way you can compare her to the powerful role of Ripley in all of the alien movies. The whole movie was just weak in terms of acting.

PG-13! Yeah, just so they can get more money from a bigger audience. Did anyone see any blood at all aside from the squirt of blood on the snow in one scene? When the hell are we gonna get some real violence back in the movies. And I don’t mean real like in Kill Bill where apparently the human body has 50 liters of blood. I mean real like in, uh I don’t know maybe, every good action movie made in the 90s. Also all the elements of a good horror/suspenseful movie are missing in AvP (and other newer movies). You know what makes a movie a horror movie these days? Loud noises and nothing else. Seriously this movie is filled with the same scheme over and over again. Extreme silence, and then LOUD NOISE. Just repeat the same formula and there’s AvP. And it’s so easy to predict when and how it is going to happen. Now think about the previous Alien and Predator movies. There are very little scenes where you are startled by a loud noise. You get the feeling of suspense and horror by the atmosphere in the movie and by good visual details.

And I’ll just quickly list some of the other things I hated:
- The predators face with the changing emotions
- They use a stretcher to carry the predator into the ship
- The predator’s vision was too clean in comparison from the previous movies,
- The predator just blows up the entire pyramid? Isn’t it an important thing to their species?
- Since when is the predator a ninja (referring to the scene where he leaps at the queen)
- What was the worry about the aliens getting to the surface? How the hell are they going to survive in Antarctica!?!
- The “heroin” runs around in Antarctica in just a sweater,
- The aliens develop too quickly. What the hell, now it takes them 10 minutes to go from facehugger seed, to the snake-like stage, to fully grown.

So basically the movie was just good for a few action sequences…and all of them were used for the previews. For a better developed story line, I would suggest playing the game Aliens versus Predator 2, much more fulfilling.
Err... we see the aliens which created the space ship encountered in the first Alien movie (the best of the lot, though Aliens was very good as well). When they are exploring the ship, they find a giant extra-terrestrial with a burst ribcage in a control chair (before they find the eggs), perhaps twice as tall as a human? Definitely not a Predator though.

I can't believe they tailored it to a PG-13 rating, the whole point of the movie is it that it should be a bloodfest. Neither Alien nor Predator would be the famous movies they are without the violence summarized with an R rating.
they PG-rated it to 13?

i sure hope thats a sensored version. hope we get a bloody version here in europe...

as for what you said KQX: "What was the worry about the aliens getting to the surface? How the hell are they going to survive in Antarctica!?"

dude, aliens survived a bath of boiling lead, only the temperature difference with the water made it burst and die. is it so hard to believe they would have no problem whatsoever with a stroll over antartica? (yes i know, freezing was used as a tool in alien resurrection, to make em back off from the window. but that was instafreeze shit: froze a soldier to the bone in about a second or 2...)
Firstly, Paul Anderson, does not know how to direct a movie that is character driven.

Secondly, the movie was rushed through production hell, and almost didn't make the street date (the premiere/critic junkets were canned).

Thirdly, as previously stated, what made the movies what they were was the violence, without it, whats the Fing point?

An AVP movie could be made, that has a plausible story with halfway decent characters. But i dont expect to see it made in my lifetime anyways. Less CG effects, more physical effects, more of what made both series' great.
Aliens was the best, and you can not even get close to physical effects with CGI (at this point).

If it is PG - 13 and that is the only version, then this film will die a horrible death at the box office overseas, with little suspence. Sci-fi horror has to have a mature rating even without the extreme (but necessary) violence, so this suggests that the film is utter BS.
How can you have Aliens and Predators going at it without enough blood and gore to qualify for the mature rating? Mix in some soft squishy humans and it seems like you would have enough blood splattered all over the place to make the Red Cross cry and send out more fliers for blood drives.
Just saw the movie tonight....

Aside from a few action sequences I give the move a rateing of "meh"

Wasnt the worst movie i've seen, wasnt the best (by far)

Needed a lot more blood, maybe a little more storyline, some more blood... and better actors... could have used a director that knew what the hell he was doing as well.
KQX said:
And I’ll just quickly list some of the other things I hated:
- The predators face with the changing emotions


- They use a stretcher to carry the predator into the ship

Didn't they do that in Predator 2?

- The predator’s vision was too clean in comparison from the previous movies,

Maybe their technology got better.

- The predator just blows up the entire pyramid? Isn’t it an important thing to their species?

Not as important as the hunt. :wink:

- Since when is the predator a ninja (referring to the scene where he leaps at the queen)

That was sweet and you know it.

[quote\- What was the worry about the aliens getting to the surface? How the hell are they going to survive in Antarctica!?![/quote]

They're fucking aliens, man. Come on.

- The “heroin” runs around in Antarctica in just a sweater,

She was lame, I'll give you that.

- The aliens develop too quickly. What the hell, now it takes them 10 minutes to go from facehugger seed, to the snake-like stage, to fully grown.

It was a 90 minute action movie, dude. What do you want?

Overall I give it a "meh", like Elissar. I enjoyed it enough to buy the DVD and watch it for fun. It was one of those movies where you walk out saying, "it would've been better if I wrote and directed it", but it was pretty much what I expected.

Honestly, what can you expect from a movie called Alien versus Predator. Have fun with it and don't look too far into it and you won't be disappointed. It's certainly not Aliens, and it's not even Predator 2...it's just a fun time at the theatre.

PS - Did anyone else think Weyland's death was laaaaame?
yes... still though, on the whole I'm glad i knew the guy checking tickets at the theater... he got me in to see the movie without me even having to buy a ticket...
Now that I have feedback

I must admit, I was really looking forward to this movie.

Now, I'm almost tempted to wait till it gets to the cheap theater in town. (1.50 seat versus Arm-Leg-First born seat)

I was also looking forward to Cat Woman a while back (For reasons my wife would beat me up :D that shall remain nameless) but I think I'lll wait for it to arrive at the cheap theater as well.

Does anyone have any suggestion of what is good lingering in the Megaplex?
Collateral. That is the best movie (my opinion at least) currently out. I never knew Tom Cruise could actually act.
I hear amazing things about Collateral and I still haven't gotten the chance to check it out.

I'll take care of that this week.
I'll Have to check it out

Thanks... I'll have to go see it. Right now a friend of mine roped me into going to see Yu-Gi-Oh wed afternoon with his kids. It was either that or Garfield, so made the call. So I'll probably see Collateral that night just to remind me I'm an adult. Spending all day with 4 boys whose ages range from 4 to 8 can be a little taxing. :D Ever try to stop 4 kids from teasing each other in a movie theater?

Anwyay, thatnks I'll have to check it out.

Ok..I'll identify the main thing that was wrong with Alien Vs. Predator:

Paul W.S. Anderson

This man is a horrific director. Really. Terrible.
Event Horizon was neat. MK, ok. Everything else :puke:

The man CANNOT direct anything character driven. And in this case, the Predators and Aliens were characters.

On to other things:

The movie developed WAY too quickly. One minute, we're in freaking Mexico, the next we've already got a crack team assembled and we're in Antarctica.

The stupid annoying scottish/irish/whatever he was guy. That guy was there to provide something of a comic relief as the skinny lanky guy with the dumb accent that everyone can find comfort in....I'll tell you first off that I freaking HATE the idea of comic relief. I don't want no comic relief. I want intensity and suspense. Also, I don't like stupid accents, especially when they are faked. This guy might have had a real accent for all I care, but he sounded so damn stupid it sounded fake. Same thing with the Italian guy.

The freaking idiotic idea of that stupid woman as the "Team leader" who somehow is the only one who ends up surviving. BS. You can't replace Sigourney Weaver with some stupid, small, terrible actress. Really, this woman is horrific. She's a freaking like mountain guide. How does this qualify her to lead an obviously combat trained team?

There were absolutely no awesome, gigantically jacked guys in this movie. There were no manly men. There was that one guy with the scar, but he sucked and got killed wicked quickly. He fell and broke his leg, for chrissake, only after getting all emotional and wishywashy about his son back home (a scene which he acted poorly, I might add, further detrimented by the fact that the irish ass was the only other person in the scene.) I wanted to see huge awesome guys. I would have rather seen Vin Diesel as the main character. That's how bad the casting was.

Only good casting: Lance Henrikson as Weyland. Too bad Anderson screwed up the whole Alien storyline by killing Weyland off before Weyland could send information back to his company, or even tell anyone about the Aliens. Are we left to believe that the Weyland corporation has an interest in Aliens because the stupid ass sissy black girl talks? Not a chance. Her character was written so badly that there's no way she would be the kind of character to say anything to a corporation. She's one of those nature chicks.

Can we also talk about how cheaply the Predators were killed off? The only good predator death was the last one. The other predator deaths should not have happened. That was a writing screwup. Bad writers and director=bad movie.

Action sequences were good (except for the basically non-action sequences where the first two predators were killed). The queen sequence was cool, but could definitely have been longer. In fact, the whole movie could have been longer. Given more time to develop the plot, this could have been a good movie (actually, it would need three more things: different cast, different director, differenct writers.) Special effects were also good (I attribute the predator vision resolution to just the technology of today. The only reason the heat vision was blocky in Predator was because that was the "cutting edge" back then. AVP the game has good resolution too in terms of pred-vision.

I'm just glad there wasn't a heavy metal soundtrack during the film (unless there was something and I was too pissed to notice it.) Speaking of which, they didn't even use any of the awesome music from Predator, which I would have loved.

Ok, so bottom line: Given the budget and other such things, I could have made a better movie myself. I could have put together a better cast by randomly pointing people out of a crowd. I could have written a better script in the middle of my Calc II class. And I definitely could have directed a better movie. So petition to have AVP2 directed and produced by Me.
Very well said King. Yes the director did a horrible job. I didn't like any of his work. What's funny is that a bunch of his movies, like event horizon, had great potential in terms of story line. But somehow this man is capable of ruining everything.
i thought Event Horizon was very good tbh KQX, but in truth most of his other movies suck donkeyballz.

now i'm starting to wonder if i should watch this movie or not. my current vision of alien, predator & the AvP games could be ruined by it...
King of Creation said:
The stupid annoying scottish/irish/whatever he was guy. That guy was there to provide something of a comic relief as the skinny lanky guy with the dumb accent that everyone can find comfort in....I'll tell you first off that I freaking HATE the idea of comic relief. I don't want no comic relief. I want intensity and suspense. Also, I don't like stupid accents, especially when they are faked. This guy might have had a real accent for all I care, but he sounded so damn stupid it sounded fake.

He's Scottish.

That's like saying Arnold Schwarzzeneger sucks because his authentic Austrian accent sounds like a fake Austrian accent.

I don't think he was so much comic relief as he was the everyman we're supposed to emotionally invest in so that when he dies we feel pity. I mean, if you couldn't see that coming in the first scene he was in you're an idiot.

Ewan Bremner is usually kind of a goofball, it's just kind of how he is. Check him out in Trainspotting or Black Hawk Down. He's almost the same character in every movie. But I like the character.
Malkavian said:
That's like saying Arnold Schwarzzeneger sucks because his authentic Austrian accent sounds like a fake Austrian accent.
Well,the difference is that Arnold didn't sound like a blithering idiot the entire time.
King of Creation said:
Well,the difference is that Arnold didn't sound like a blithering idiot the entire time.

yeah! HE only sounds like an idiot 90% of the time (could just be the kind of movies he makes though, i never heard any of his political speeches)...
SuAside said:
King of Creation said:
Well,the difference is that Arnold didn't sound like a blithering idiot the entire time.

yeah! HE only sounds like an idiot 90% of the time (could just be the kind of movies he makes though, i never heard any of his political speeches)...

"You aaaa one ugggly mozzzzuuuuufffffuuukkkeeerrrr."

Classic Arnold.