Awesome Fallout Shirt!

It's all wrong, dude. What, Fallout? Where do you see it? It's only some fancy lulzy Beth-Failout shitty logo.

But at $10, it's a steal!
Depends on a material. Some cheapy synthetic shit is not worth of ten bucks, no way!

Sorry, no deal. You will be vatted instead. :P
Hey that's alright, I just wanted to share. I know some people aren't fans of the new ones, to each his/her own. I've personally enjoyed them all (though haven't played Tactics or BoS yet).

As for the material, I'm not too sure what the brand is. This is the first time I've ordered from them.

And as far as I know, you won't be able to buy these shirts anywhere else, EVER, except for maybe the lone eBay auction someday. So if you're interested, don't dally around.

Just wanted to share, hopefully some of you guys like.
While I think the motive is creative, it reminds me too much of fugly Fallout 3. Also I wonder how long it will take for Bethesda to take them down.
Haha, looks pretty awesome to me. I actually laughed out loud at "Delicious Taste - 100%".

Edit: Yeah, I went ahead and bought one, haha. I don't have any Fallout shirts currently and for $10 bucks with $4 international shipping... quite a deal. They have a lot of really neat t-shirt designs on there.
I'd wear a t-shirt with a giant Yes Man face on it. Not the full gimmick, blue with a screen on it, just the face as big as possible.
My order came in and I wore it today. Good quality t-shirt and doesn't feel poorly constructed. This is what it looks like IRL when worn by an amateur male model:

korindabar said:
Good quality t-shirt and doesn't feel poorly constructed.
It was not a bad deal then, for $10, even if I don't like that logo.
Enjoy! :)