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Fallout Tactics Moderator
I apologize for the sudden lack of support and activitie, I've experienced multiple problems with data loss, data corruption and HDD failure on my primary computers, fortunately not all data was lost.

The recent updates I had for Fallout Enclave and the Mod Launcher have been lost along with the full CML and new Mod Manager projects, I've been set back a ways but with some time I think this data can be replicated easily. Everything else is safe on my other HDDs and computers. :)

The Mod Manager project was built from the Mod Launcher and CML projects, it will be the successor to both projects with a much more user friendly menu system, a new and improved way to launch mods, mods to mod support, custom HeX file support, mod HeX file support, custom Improver data files support, some customization support... And so much more.

We will also have a dedicated support page supplying all of the latest downloads, news and tutorials on each mod we support, the Mod Manager will only support a hand full of selected mods but will have the ability to launch any mod using the built in Launcher tool, you cannot add support for another mod on your own but if you contact me I'll gladly send you custom files to support your own mod or mods of your choosing.

Like I said, the Mod Manager project was completely destroyed in a HDD failure so I'll need some time to build everything again but it will be released.
Mods I plan on supporting are Redux, The Sum, Awaken and Enclave... The Sum may be a little tricky but I think we can figure something out.

Not much was lost for the Enclave mod update, I'll need to see what my backup has and start working on it from there. A update/status report should be coming soon-ish.

It looks like the forum has been extremely busy! I've got a lot of catching up to do... I plan on doing a play through with Redux very soon! :D And I just seen The Sum Demo was released, I'll be downloading that ASAP.

...Excited to be back guys. :D


New support emails you can message me at:


Enclave 2

Project Safehouse

Mod Launcher (Soon Mod Manager)

Fallout Tactics

My normal email

Bug reports and questions are always welcome.

Will reply in a day or so if not immediately.
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Allright!! Welcome and welcome and welcome back!

Very very sad for you data lost... That is something that can happen to anybody and this is a fear I continuously have, specially when my girlfriend don't understand my HDD paranoia and leave the apartment with my main external drive to transfer videos or whatever ... Ouch.

I am very very happy to know about that Mod Manager feature, even if you will need to start it back again. I am shy I didn't even spend time adapting my mod to Mod launcher yet (sorry!), but I am glad you decided to include the project for MM support! I don't know if that can help, but I also have access to some hosting account with illimited bandwith, so if this is needed for what you intend to do... I can host some files/mods there.

Have fun with your playtrough of Redux. I did not finished it yet, but so far I enjoyed it A LOT. More active, quick, fun!
Very very sad for you data lost... That is something that can happen to anybody and this is a fear I continuously have, specially when my girlfriend don't understand my HDD paranoia and leave the apartment with my main external drive to transfer videos or whatever ... Ouch.
I too am paranoid! :look: Its happen to me 3 times now, I was ready for it this time.

I am shy I didn't even spend time adapting my mod to Mod launcher yet (sorry!), but I am glad you decided to include the project for MM support!
I'm happy you didn't!
The Mod Manager comes with a default theme pack, each mod gets their own (separate from each other) fully customizable menu and theme pack, I want you guys to have full control of your part of the Mod Manager!

I don't know if that can help, but I also have access to some hosting account with illimited bandwith, so if this is needed for what you intend to do... I can host some files/mods there.
This can help me a lot! Thank you!! I've got ideas flowing already...
Dude, why dont you store your stuff in sites like 4shared or google drive to prevent things like these? :/
That's not a bad idea! I have a oneDrive thing opened in my computer (it's there by default, I think you can't remove it even) and sometimes I just copy-paste my mod's folder there, it takes a long time, but it goes online eventually and I only had to do a one click operation.
Because I have 8TB on my other computer, my main gaming computer that had the fail has 2.5TB on 2 HDDs I make a backup every few days or so depending on what I'm working on or how long I've been working on it, the CML project was just some edits to the Mod Launcher so I didn't back it up and the updates for the Enclave mod was somewhat backed up (just the new sprites and some other things), the drive that had Windows installed on was the drive that failed, I had to get a reinstall of Windows 10 and a reinstall of all the apps.

...And I have multiple Google Drive accounts but I never store anything for more than a week, I use Google Drive mainly to move my files from one computer to another.
Storage and backing up is not a problem it was really just bad timing that got me. :/

All is good now, I've got the Mod Manager much much farther in 2 days {I no lifed the crap out of it} than what it was when I first made it and it has far exceeded my expectations, only one last improvement and I'll be releasing it.

Hoping to start working on Enclave in a few days.
Nice to hear the salvaging process is progressing nicely, in a community this small every setback is great. Good luck to you and thanks for all the fine work.