Background community thingy

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I know the title is very odd and un-formated, but I think i've came onto a good idea here. The idea is that even though you'll have the main story and other side quests, I thought as a medium sized quest line, would be that it could be a community building feature.

The story could be that in the main story you encounter a ramshackle town with few inhabitants, through the community based quests in the ramshackle town you improve the town, eventually becoming the leader of the town and having to orchestrate improvements in the town, eventually the town becomes a 'beacon of hope' and people flock to the town.

After becoming leader you'll also have to deal with problems in the town as it becomes more and more vibrant, problems such as dealing with refugees and raiders, as well as paying mercenaries to guard the town. But not as a main story thingy more as a background thing to do, make it feel as if your actually doing things in the environment to help and feel as if your helping out in general.
That sounds like it would be an interesting idea. Maybe it could even be done in a mod? I don't know how fancy the modding tools in FO3 or NV are, but this sounds like something that could be done relatively easily with a practiced FO1 or FO2 modder (you would probably just need a different map for each 'stage' of the town's development, and a bunch of good quest deigns, but I'm not a modder so perhaps I'm wrong).
It would be great if they made it a mod, i'd get it straight away if I could, if they did completely brilliantly with no faults and actually really well designed I would pay money for it if it was possible, but not too much money i'm extremely cheap.
Well, maybe you ought to learn a bit of scripting/mapping and try to get a mod rolling? I'm actually interested in trying to learn some of the tools, so if you find some other people who would be interested let me know and I could try to help out/learn as I go.
Thats actually a good idea, the thing is, I often lose my metel when doing this sort of thing, not to mention i'm not exactly a IT buff, but i'll heavily consider it, it's actually blocking my vision now.