

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
what really bugged me with the earlier fall-games was that it was very much more difficult to be a bad dude then being a nice guy not because i like being bad but it would give the game a bigger aspect

and i RREALLY liked the KHANS plz take'm in on fo3 i would've been so gratfull
being bad is lots of fun thats for sure, but in FO you kinda had to control your evil streak because you would get very few quests accopmlished. I think this is very important to take into consideration
But he DOES have a good point. They should have just as many quests and quest outcomes for a BAD character. I know I would enjoy it just as much as being the good guy.
Vito Khan said:
what really bugged me with the earlier fall-games was that it was very much more difficult to be a bad dude then being a nice guy not because i like being bad but it would give the game a bigger aspect

Yip, they're working hard on making the bad guy route and the good guy route balanced. Being a bad guy pays of as much as being a good guy.

I could go for a "spit" command. you know under that menu thing where the "push" command it. Think of all the possibilities if you could walk up and spit on people?

What about a "Flip off" command?
possible even a "vomit on" function?

an other option in the place were you can choose to talk loot etc.: then the player walks up and taunts the guy in a random way......... :P

and again: THE KHANS