Balancing Gameplay?

You should make it available, Cubi2k. Eu Nao fala Portuguese, no Sprechen zie Deutsch, ei Polski but somebody might figure it out. Shot in the dark surely tells if if someone yells, You know you hit something :)
I don't know if it's possible for other critters to loot containers/bodies. The only times I can think of that one appears to is the water thief in V13 and Garrett giving you a reward in Necropolis, and those might just be scripting trickery. A solution would be to make critters drop all their items when killed (like in Baldur's Gate). Of course, that's the complete opposite of trying to balance the game by making them unlootable. Making the AI smart enough to pick up drugs and ammo they can use as well as weapons would be nice. (Unloading one weapon to use the ammo in a better gun of the same caliber is probably too much to ask for.)
You know, there is one possibility that just came to mind... a way that it would appear as though living critters had looted corpses. Maybe it's possible to script it so that, if a critter is killed, its inventory would be transferred to another that is standing within a few hexes. Well, maybe not all of the inventory. But, maybe weapons and drugs. So, you wouldn't see a critter kneel down and pick up a weapon, but their inventory would be updated. This might be possible. I'll do a few experiments.
I could swear I've seen a critter pick up something that was dropped after a critical failure. But someone would need to check the scripts.

But if you are talking about having a critter loot a another dead critter then that would definitely need to be scripted.

Could definitely make large fights interesting.
Yeah, referring to looting corpses, not just picking up weapons off the ground.
I started a thread a while ago about the possibilty of making NPC's able to loot corpses. I think it would be awesome - and really add a new level of unpredictability to the game. But alas - it sounds like it's impossible.
Morticia said:
There is a script, I think, or some part of a script, that can prevent this. In Chinatown, you cannot steal anything from those red and blue guys. Try to get behind one and he turns to face you. What is that? and why isn't it used more? Somebody runs up and stands behind me and I would turn around. "What are you up too?" :o
You can still steal from them if you have Pickpocket perk ;)
A general thingy,

this is a nice brainstorm topic, however to fix this whole balance issue, this would require a good system.

Where would one start in this balance issue?


There is/are weapons mods, how well are these balanced? could this be of any use?

well, continue the brainstorming maybe this will lead to good ideas in the future :P
@ hakimio

I didn't realise that about the Pickpocket perk, so nice to know - hardly worth wasting a perk on however. There is something different about those guys that makes it almost impossible to steal from them. Seems like it would be a good idea to use it more often.

@ Oracle,

When you put it that way, it seems the balance issue is not really a problem with Special, Skills, Weapons, or Items, it is the way the game was designed to be non-linear. Every other RPG I can think of: Baldur's Gate series, Torment, Diablo, Arcanum, even original Fallout (until you have the water chip), all force us to complete quests and open up new areas with more dangers in a certain order.

Making more areas invisible until we talk to the right (or different) people would add in more balance without taking away too much of the non-linearity.

* Talking to Karl is the only way to find Modoc.

* Ed could say he has been to Broken Hills, Redding, and New Reno, but should not remember how to get there. He could give the location of Modoc in case you didn't talk to Karl though.

* Wallace knows about Broken Hills and Redding, but should not know how to get there.

* Moore should be the only one in VC who knows how to get to New Reno.

* Dr. Troy could give the location of Redding.

* Broken Hills would be 'discovered' (as Shady Sands was) by travelling to NCR.

edit: It seems Caravans as additional options to find unknown locations would not lesson the impact of the above ideas very much.
The caravans went from redding to Vault city / Reno / NCR, and back.
And from Broken hill to NCR (and should also go to Vault city and Gecko but i think they dont).
Many caravans didn't get written, like the one from Reno to San Franciso for obvious reason.

But personaly, i discovered Modoc on my way to VC. I don't remember how I discovered Redding the first time...

Maybe with a high outdoorsman you could still discover the location. Anyway, that's an interesting Idea. Even if i don't know if I would have the patience to ask the right people, since i already know where to go. :D
Alternatively, people could be able to give directions to other locations, but not point them out on a map. For example, saying that Redding is about a week to the southeast of the Den, or that to go from VC to New Reno, you should travel south for 10 days, then southwest for another 5 days (slightly faster than the direct route, which is all through mountains). Also move Redding and Broken Hills east a bit, and Modoc north, so you won't always find them on your way to somewhere else.