Jade Falcon

First time out of the vault
I'm playing Fallout Tactics and have reached the mission where I am striking the Beastlords base.

My main character is in a Bandaged state, and I know that supporting characters can lose this if they rest between missions. However, this isn't possible with the main character, does anyone know of a way to do this?
I also have a character who is a medic. One mission left him Blinded which I cured with the Doctors Bag, but the Perception stat has still been reduced to 2. Is this curable.
Jade Falcon said:
By the way, I've just tried a Doctors Bag, it does nothing. The bandaged state stays.

Well, if that is the case, there are only three possibilities:

1. You did not patch your game and are now suffering from one of the many bugs in it. (Solution? Well, patch your game!)
2. The character who used the Doctor's Bag is not skilled enough and his attempt to heal the bandaged character failed. (Solution? Hm. Try again, I'd say.)
3. You have a special version of FOT in which doctor skills and medical items basically don't do shit. All your characters will eventually reach the 'bandaged' or the 'blinded' or the 'winded' or the 'crippled' state and there will be nothing you can do about it. You will have a squad full of sitting ducks and even ghouls will laugh at you. Finally, your squad will be butchered by a horde of horny, gay supermutants and it will be 'game over' for you. (Solution? Ha! Only one copy of this version was ever made and you happen to own it. You're doomed, mate!)
Well I haven't patched it, so I'll try that first. Let's hope I don't have to start from the beginning again.

The medic character that was using the Doctors Bag is Stitch, a specialised medic, and all it says is 'does nothing'.

I have had characters cured of a bandaged state before if they are left in the bunker for one mission and replacements taken along, unfortunately, you can't do this with the main character.
Blade Runner said:
Jade Falcon said:
By the way, I've just tried a Doctors Bag, it does nothing. The bandaged state stays.

Well, if that is the case, there are only three possibilities:

1. You did not patch your game and are now suffering from one of the many bugs in it. (Solution? Well, patch your game!)

I've just tried the patch from Interplay and tested it. My main character can now be healed. Thanks a lot. :)

Oh, by the way, are there any sniper rifles in this game, the hunting rifles are good for long distance, but in Fallout 1 and 2 I always preferred the Sniper rifles.
Jade Falcon said:
Oh, by the way, are there any sniper rifles in this game, the hunting rifles are good for long distance, but in Fallout 1 and 2 I always preferred the Sniper rifles.

Yes, there are Sniper Rifles in FOT, but if I remember correctly you will have to wait until you meet supermutants before you can obtain one. They are not that great, though.

Hm. There is another long range weapon in the game that is pretty good and if you say you've just encountered the Beast Lords, you've probably found one already. I forgot the name of the rifle, but I think it's a Garand or something. The ammo is quite rare, but it does a lot more damage than the Hunting Rifle you're using right now. Well, just thought I'd let you know.
The vindacator has longer range than the hunting rifle.
I got it after mission 1, I got a random encounter aginst an enemy with 1 but no ammo
General annoyance...

In the several BoS bunkers, is there any way to get the healing dude to heal you (free of charge of course :wink: ) ?

Also, is it possible for him to heal stupid things such as crippled limbs or blindness, etc, or is there any cure?

Finally, is there any way to get rid of the bandaged thingy, which 5 out of my 6 current NPC's have... :oops:

Thanks for all and any help,

The medics only sell stuff. Healing broken limbs and the bandaged state is possible with a high doctor's skill and doctor's bags.
can you actually heal blindness or is it another one of the 'oh fuck no i need to load again' type of situations?
Whatever you do, don't become too dependent on the medical kits because overuse will give you the bandaged status. I believe the doctor's bag and paramedic's bag are the only ones that don't cause that. Also both of those will cure all other ailments like broken bones or blindness.

The doctor bag seems to 'cure' bandaged...

Its those pesky super mutants, they did it to me...
No problem, just don't use the Doctor's bag for everything. They are harder to come by than medikits. Use them only for healing the bandaged state or healing broken limbs.
fallout tactics- help please

can anyone help me in fallout tactics plz.....
i used the first aid kit and for some reason i have gained this disibility where i cant heal myself anymore with first aid kits ...called "BANDAGE" how do u get rid of this? ive tried to pass it with time and it just wont go away and ive had it for like 3 missions now .....thanx for the help in advance