Barter Bug


First time out of the vault

Ive a big fucking problem ... Every fucking trader in fucking San Fran does not have a fucking thing to fucking trade . Please help me to solve this problem

fucking thanks :mrgreen:
Was it something that just happened or was the problem there when you first arrived? Is it just SF or elsewhere? Try going somewhere else for a couple days, saving and going back.
I checked "The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide" and Per doesn't seem to mention this bug. I've never had this problem either, but I came up with three possible "solutions":

1. Instead of bartering with the shopkeepers themselves, just click on the tables in their stores and various dialogue options will appear. Try entering the barter-screen this way.

2. If they do have some goods, but not the goods you're looking for, try resting for 4-5 days, leave the map and re-enter. This way most shopkeepers will have some new items in their inventory.

3. If they really have no fucking goods at all in their inventory, uninstall the game and then re-install it. Your save-games will not have been deleted, so everything should be fine.

Hope this helps.
JJ86 said:
Was it something that just happened or was the problem there when you first arrived? Is it just SF or elsewhere?

It happened when I first arrived and its just in SF ...

Blade Runner said:
1. Instead of bartering with the shopkeepers themselves, just click on the tables in their stores and various dialogue options will appear. Try entering the barter-screen this way.

Doesnt work

Blade Runner said:
2. If they do have some goods, but not the goods you're looking for, try resting for 4-5 days, leave the map and re-enter. This way most shopkeepers will have some new items in their inventory.

hehe ... I did so in Broken Hills . I did this very often . To often cause now that girl in the shop is not getting any new stuff at all.
I have 8000 Booza ammo and 320 Stims now, thats enough to survive but i need Super Stims to kill the President.
Where can I get lots of them and where can I get Micro Fusion Cells ???

Blade Runner said:
3. If they really have no fucking goods at all in their inventory, uninstall the game and then re-install it. Your save-games will not have been deleted, so everything should be fine.

Maybe i should try this

thanks for your help
Try going to the last save before SF and try entering it again. I know occasionally I'd get strange things happening that would be solved with attempting this.
Buckudu said:
I need Super Stims to kill the President.
Where can I get lots of them and where can I get Micro Fusion Cells ???

Super Stimpacks are rather hard to find, actually. I'm pretty sure you can get some in Vault City and even in Gecko, but the best place to get them is... San Francisco. The "Flying Dragon 8" (kind of the general store in SF) carries some of them (you might have to rest for 4-5 days and so on), the shopkeepers on the tanker sell them (same thing: you might have to rest for a couple of days) and Dr Fung might have some as well. Hm. You can also find enough Super Stimpacks in the Enclave to kill the President with (there are some in containers and lockers, but the guards nearby also have some, which you can steal). If that doesn't do the trick, consider recruiting Myron, 'cause he can make them (he needs to level up a few times before he can actually do this and he'll need some stuff to make them: a normal Stimpack, a Nuka-Cola and a piece of that strange Fruit).

As for Micro Fusion Cells: Smitty in the Den has some, but the majority of them Micro Fusion Cells is to be found in NCR, SF, Navarro and the Enclave. You can probably find them elsewhere too, but I'm not sure.
Micro Fusion Cells

In NCR ??? Where exactly ??? The shopkeeper on the Bazaar doesnt have any of them ... thanks
Re: Micro Fusion Cells

Buckudu said:
In NCR ??? Where exactly ??? The shopkeeper on the Bazaar doesnt have any of them ... thanks

I'm pretty sure that Buster (who runs the store in the bazaar) DOES sell Micro Fusion Cells. There are three shelves in his store and all of them have different goods. Again: you might have to rest a couple of days (or return later) before he actually has them in his inventory, I'm not sure about that. But I am pretty sure that Buster sells them.
Buckudu said:
JJ86 said:
thats enough to survive but i need Super Stims to kill the President.

U don´t need superstims for that.
Just stand behind him with your bozar, sneak go to
combat mode, kill him with one shot, put your weapon away
and end combat.
k-7 said:
U don´t need superstims for that.
Just stand behind him with your bozar, sneak go to
combat mode, kill him with one shot, put your weapon away
and end combat.
If you don't have the proper sneak skills two hundred angry Enclave soldiers start shooting at you.

If you don't have enough super stims, use explosives.
Blade Runner said:
As for Micro Fusion Cells: Smitty in the Den has some, but the majority of them Micro Fusion Cells is to be found in NCR, SF, Navarro and the Enclave. You can probably find them elsewhere too, but I'm not sure.

Becky in the Den tells you to get some money back from some addict. Talk to the addict and he asks you to help him out. Do it!. After a while he wins alot of money and give some micro fusion cells and small energy cells to repay you.
Gustav_Drangeid said:
k-7 said:
U don´t need superstims for that.
Just stand behind him with your bozar, sneak go to
combat mode, kill him with one shot, put your weapon away
and end combat.
If you don't have the proper sneak skills two hundred angry Enclave soldiers start shooting at you.

If you don't have enough super stims, use explosives.

Every Charakter of mine has sneak ;) and using superstims
to kill someone is bug using if u ask me...., Nobody will let
u pump 10 Superstimpacks in his body without getting angry on your face :P, so i don´t do it in the game just because i can do it.