

Still Mildly Glowing
One of the first games I played on my computer with friends (not counting Starcraft and Diablo) was BF1942. It was good. Good in an arcade-y sort of way. Nothing too serious, but wide scale, lots of people, and tons of cool vehicles. I'd always end up knife fighting with my bastard friends at el alamein too. Good shit. i also loved BF2 and to a lesser degree I guess even Vietnam.

But lately Bf has taken a turn for the worst. The console version of BF2 was rot. Rot, rot, rot. Just a giant shit on BF2's excellent GOTY name. Bad Company, what I played of it, wasn't bad, but it still just wasn't up to standards.

Case and point:
When I first saw this, I thought 'awesome!' One thing my friends and I have long said is that it would be cool to play a graphically updated BF1942 with some historical nonsense and glitches sorted out. Even if it was just a reskin, I would still probably pay $25 for it, especially if the modern combat guys worked out a mod for it. Then I see the bomb. Fucking fat boy himself "listing the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as release platforms." What the fuck? Okay, I understand that consoles = profit (most of the time), but without PC gamers DICE would have nothing. We bought your first game and loved it. We bought your second game (in lesser degrees). We bought your third game, in huge bloody numbers. It still sells pretty well today! So do us a favor, eh? Give us a good PC version. That means PC is developement platform, we get good servers with no GFWL bullshit, an SDK, and all the tight controls expected of a PC shooter.
Uh oh.
Though the Battlefield games are pretty arcadey so 1943 might not suffer too much compared to other consolised shooters.

Then again it doesen't really matter if it does suck as enough peoples are still playing 1942. Aaaah memories. Shooting down planes with anti tank rockets then having the wreckage land on you. Driving madly towards their flag in nothing but a jeep and laughing manically would be another one :D
I spent my GCSE revision week playing the demo non-stop.

Vietnam was a laugh, seeing a guy on a moped with his radio blasting ride of the valkyries being chased by a tank I'll never forget.

2 was pretty good and 2142 had a certain charm.

Bad Company is just weird though. It's competant and your squad are pretty funny but it just feels meh. Almost zen in it's ability to not ellicite any feelings at all.
Have you seen Battlefield Heroes? It's the free PC only game coming out in the Battlefield line reminiscent of Team Fortress.
I haven't played 1942, but I love 2 and 2142. Haven't played Bad Company, but I've seen it and I'm not that impressed.

And thanks a lot DICE. You guys can go suck a cock. Fucking consoles...
If this is true then i`m really starting to like EA.

What BF 1942 needed was a lot more gras and bushes to hide. Another thing i hated were plane campers.