Battlestar Galactica-zomg spoilers

It would've been fun to see that people 150.000 years later pray to the cylon gods and obey the robot overlords...

Still, 99% percent of the 'survivors' on Earth would've been dead in like a few weeks eaten by disease and wild animals...

And Goddamnit! I had to see captain Adama drunk, puking and looking like a retard again. Why do they think that giving us closeups of the captain while grimassing drunk is appealing?

The show should've ended with Kara riding a rhino, naked, while whipping slaves building a huge piramid for the Goddes (one of the hot cylons maybe...)
Blakut said:
The show should've ended with Kara riding a rhino, naked, while whipping slaves building a huge piramid for the Goddes (one of the hot cylons maybe...)


Grayswandir said:
The "abandon the technology" thing was retarded. "we have to break the circle!" Damn, it was FORGETTING about the circle that allowed it to repeat in in the first place.

I have to agree with this, it's just the curse of the human race to have such short "memory" span and critical historical knowledge and even interest in it in circle does not/will not break because in the series the same stupidity happens...we are doomed to have a bunch of terminators and such running around killing people... :D

McRae said:
Now I'm waiting for "The Plan" and "Caprica"

Nahh... :yuck: never been a big fan of prequels, and experience has shown that +90% of them suck...and in this case i suspect it will suck big time too...

The Guardian said:
The creators of the show changed him from a stonewall warrior into a pussy, everyone saw that coming.

Though i agree that the drunk-puking-self scene is an unnecesary exaggeration, i think what the show creators intended was to downsize their "heroes" as much as possible, so they always looked like the most common of peoples; with their own personal shames and embarrasing moments, weaknesses, etc...i don't really believe that anyone in the world is just a "stonewall warrior" and nothing else...that would be pretty one-dimensional and unrealistic...such a being belongs only to miths and legends.

Blakut said:
The show should've ended with Kara riding a rhino, naked, while whipping slaves building a huge piramid for the Goddes (one of the hot cylons maybe...)

:D ...hehe...who knows? maybe they did...after all, they must have looked and sounded somewhat "divine" to the flee-infested-ass-smelling-burp-speaking primitive nomads...

All in all, i liked the ending, though there's something i did not understand, in the last scene between the 2 "angels" or whatever, when the angel-six says "god's plan" and the angel-baltar goes: "he doesn't like that name...(pauses)...oh silly, silly me", what the frak does he mean??
Blakut said:
And Goddamnit! I had to see captain Adama drunk, puking and looking like a retard again. Why do they think that giving us closeups of the captain while grimassing drunk is appealing?

I ate dinner (which took me two hours to prepare..) at that moment and I was thinking: yeah wtf you tards..thanks
I ate dinner (which took me two hours to prepare..) at that moment and I was thinking: yeah wtf you tards..thanks

Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me!! I was eating and then Adama went 'breaaargh!'. I paused only for a second though, because i was too damn hungry.
All in all, i liked the ending, though there's something i did not understand, in the last scene between the 2 "angels" or whatever, when the angel-six says "god's plan" and the angel-baltar goes: "he doesn't like that name...(pauses)...oh silly, silly me", what the frak does he mean??
Maybe the guy in the bathtub controlling the fleet didn't kill himself.