BAWLSerium Beta Testing!

Bwahahaha, I laughed my ass off when I saw this. "In"? What kind of a bullshit method of recruiting beta testers is that, anyway? Every moron who sees the thread before others gets in, no questions asked. Tragically, some of the people who applied are apparently too retarded to even write a two-letter post properly, judging by asinine bullshit they wrote ("thx from the game"? What the fuck does that mean?) and rampant smilies they used.

I see bad things in Ballerium's future.
<sarcasm>A MMORTS? Claiming to have support for an infinite number of players (Muaha. What are they going to do, put their server on an internet backbone?)?
Wow, that must really turn into a great game.
How else would they have selected beta testers? Sorry, but I'm a bit unfamiliar with the standard methods. IMO, they should've made a huge open beta.
Baboon said:
How else would they have selected beta testers? Sorry, but I'm a bit unfamiliar with the standard methods.

Just like any other tester application, really. A listing of your specs, and then a brief bit of your experience in testing. The developers then go through and pick a good selection of experienced people from certain strata of system requirement levels. People they should look for are those who have experience in the genre, experience with MMOGs in general, and since it is a closed beta, people who would be of use to them versus people who treat it like a free game and make a complaint only when something breaks their free game.

I suppose they felt that their clannies should have some chance of getting into the beta, and therefore came up with the spam thread method to compensate for clannies having little real applicable skill.

IMO, they should've made a huge open beta.

No. For two reasons. One, they need to keep it controlled for optimal testing, although I'm not sure how well that works with retarded Betatesters. Two, if anyone could log in and see how badly this game sucks balls, it wouldn't make it to release.

"info" squats another brain turd out:

PR Nightmare for Ballerium said:

We really shouldn't use personal tones here.

I believe Vaultman, Eristrad, and others have a point in saying we should all be careful not to be disappointed,
but on the other hand the rest of us also has got a point in saying that the risk of disapointment is not worse than the risk of discontinuation of Ballerium, at least for those who like the game for what it is.

However if you wish to resume discussion on the subject, discussions on people's mixed feelings regarding Interplay or regarding other people's opinion on Interplay etc, can be taken to a different thread.

"For what it is"? Yes, it's a concept that has poor skill and poor development behind it, to the point where the developers are becoming so damn desperate that they would even sign on to a publisher that couldn't publish games. It's fucking comical!
Uh... why are even causing so much fuss over such an insignificant title? I mean, it's not like we're looking at Fallout Online. It's just a stupid mod of Warcraft 3, developed by a company nobody gives a damn about, published by a company that has become the laughing stock of the gaming industry. Sure, it warrants a look, a derisive snigger maybe, but definitely not such devout observation and lengthy debate.

Screw 'em all, I say.
Ratty said:
Screw 'em all, I say.

I like that saying. I'll say it too: Screw'em all!!!

As bad as this game seems, I'm pretty sure there are much, much worse games to be found out there...I once paid full price for Spaceward Ho! :(
Because the flaming zepplin of Interplay is about to toast an entire Israeli village as it leaves a flaming crater, for one metaphor. The denial is quite amazing, and the sheer level of assumption of "contract = $$$" makes Majorem into a poster child more intelligent developers should take note of. Other indie developers should not fall prey to this very self-delusional mentality these morons have. Just wait until they find out that the contract they are so proud of now turns out to be worth toilet paper, and Herve is giggling as he's managed to kill yet another company with his incompetence. At least this time it wouldn't be such a waste.

To really point it out, I would lay good odds that Majorem is filled with people who are extremely new to the game industry (as they really have been shelling out money for clannies to "test" their shit), and really don't care about anything else other than being noticed. Romero's noticed by now, but at least he has done some credible work. These assclowns are too funny for words, but on the same light they are just as bad as the twatwaffles behind Conflict-OMEGA (which was "highly addictive" and other such moronic media dreck until I painfully pointed out to the lead chimp how they don't even have a pre-alpha ready yet for publishers - it is nothing more than a shitty piece of fiction with self-cocksucking about being the first/best/who the fuck cares?/, and it sounds quite familiar).

MMOGs are fun to ridicule, as most people can spot the flaws in the design, IF it could be called design at that point. Shitty MMOGs are again, like I said on RPGCodex:

Yes, gaming sites will cover this - for the obvious entertainment value most people enjoy from similar occasions, such as a manure truck crashing into a short bus and ramming it into the front of The Eye Of Argon Museum of Shitty Sci-Fi.