Ben Canning... Who are you?


First time out of the vault
I saved some NPC named Ben Canning near one of the Museums (Technology, I think, but i'm pretty sure he's a random encounter), I gave him some water. Now he appears regularly at Megaton with a small crate set up in front of him... but he doesn't buy, beg or do anything but stand there for an hour making us both look stupid and saying "Good to see you!". Also the crate stays empty. Also I keep dropping different things into the crate like a schmuck, hoping for something RPG-like to happen.

Is he just there to be routinely pickpocketed or something?

Little help, thanks.
i got him when going to the anchorage memorial... and i noticed that he seems to follow the caravan route....
Probably a bug. Same thing happens every now and then after I saved Initiate Pek. The dude pops up in the weirdest of places like a stalker!
Ben Canning is useless. You can give him a bottle of water and that's it, at that point your interactions with him are done.