Berlisconi For Euro Prez!

Hurray for EyeMaster7!

Its true, there is a big difference. Portuguese and Spanish are two language more different then one might think.

Anyway. I personally don’t like Durão Barroso. He can be a good PM at time, but usually his just a figure-head for interests. His participation on the Iraqi war, supporting USA, Spain and UK, without any of the consent of the Portuguese people showed that. Without talking about how we spend the budget on ridiculous things other then improving our social structures…
But before him was on even worse… I don’t know, I vote left-wing, the one who I think truly could make a difference in the country, but they have about 5% of all the votes…
It ended on second world war Constipated. Now for beeing just a bit more than NAFTA, that clearly means you don`t have a clue what you are talking about, please start new readings about the EU here
and then do a bit of search.
I know what the EU is. I just don't think the bloodiest continent in history can reform itself into one massive multi-cultural psedonation in less then a century. It's absurd.

Hispanic? Hispanic? First it`s José, then it isn`t Hispanic, it`s Portuguese, they came from the same latin roots but they are diferent languages. Tsk tsk.
Hispanic=Hispania=Iberia which includes Portugal+Spain
Not "Spanish".
And how do you do those pronounciation things anyway? I don't really know how...

Anyway. I personally don’t like Durão Barroso. He can be a good PM at time, but usually his just a figure-head for interests. His participation on the Iraqi war, supporting USA, Spain and UK, without any of the consent of the Portuguese people showed that. Without talking about how we spend the budget on ridiculous things other then improving our social structures…
But before him was on even worse… I don’t know, I vote left-wing, the one who I think truly could make a difference in the country, but they have about 5% of all the votes…
I did'nt realize he was another Blair......anyway, he's the only one I've heard of that is in a good position to take it.
Karkow said:
Its true, there is a big difference. Portuguese and Spanish are two language more different then one might think.

Which one has more Arabic incluence?

Also how many Spanish Galcians are left in Spain?
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
I know what the EU is. I just don't think the bloodiest continent in history can reform itself into one massive multi-cultural psedonation in less then a century. It's absurd.

No you don`t. Don`t worry much though, 95% of the american scholars also don`t have a clue on what the EU is, so don`t sweat much about it.

Hispanic? Hispanic? First it`s José, then it isn`t Hispanic, it`s Portuguese, they came from the same latin roots but they are diferent languages. Tsk tsk.
Hispanic=Hispania=Iberia which includes Portugal+Spain
Not "Spanish".

But it`s not an "Hispanic" language, this is not about geography.

But before him was on even worse… I don’t know, I vote left-wing, the one who I think truly could make a difference in the country, but they have about 5% of all the votes…

If it`s BE i had lunch with the European elections "mandatario" last week. A good professor of mine, he gives me good grades although i helped Paulo Portas getting to power a few years ago. Still I`m independent, and he is a social scientist, so we get along just fine. Joana Amaral Dias was a neighbour of mine a few years ago, she`s really really hot isn`t she?
I did'nt realize he was another Blair......anyway, he's the only one I've heard of that is in a good position to take it.

He already got it, the final anouncement will happen tuesday. He`s close to Bush, wich incidentally helped him, strange as it seems, since they needed someone from a country that is part of the Schengen Accord, the Eurozone, that wouldn`t be British, French or German, and could act as a bridge to the americans. He studied in Georgetown, and he isn`t the most brilliant politician i know but well, that position has been loosing prestige and power since Delors, so he won`t be able to do much damage.
Briosafreak said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
I know what the EU is...
No you don`t. Don`t worry much though, 95% of the american scholars also don`t have a clue on what the EU is, so don`t sweat much about it.
I'm not entirely sure just what the EU is (and I'm a part of it). I don't think the EU really knows for sure.
It's not "finished", it's still expanding, still evolving into what it will eventually become.
But it`s not an "Hispanic" language, this is not about geography.
"Hispanic" is'nt a language group, it's a subgroup, that's Iberian, which includes Castillan Spanish, Galcian (kinda Portugese), Aragonese (close to dead) and Portugese. By Hispanic I meant a Portugese-Spanish-Latino-Brazillian name.
No, Castellano and Catalan are distant cousins, like French, Italian or Romanian, and others are even further away, like the Euskady language. Portuguese and Gallego , or better yet Galego, are indeed very close relatives, but there isn`t an Hispanic family that bonds them together, the Hispanic term is just used for the Spanish talking countries. They are Latin languages, that`s the connection, not Hispanic. The Iberian and Latin American organization is a political institution, based on historical ties and the use of Latin languages, not of Hispanic languages.

I`m saying this to try to prevent you from making statements less sensitive in cultural terms, like one security member of an american airport that once bothered one brother-in-law of mine, making questions for half an hour and searching everything he brought with him, at the end saying "you see since you have an HISPANIC name you could be just someone coming from DOWN THERE in order to work ilegally in the States, and that must stop". My brother in law had come from Portugal, in Europe, not central or south america, is called João , not the Hispanic Juan, and was going to the states to continue his research in Harvard... do you get why i`m a bit picky with these sort of statements now? :)
No, Castellano and Catalan are distant cousins, like French, Italian or Romanian, and others are even further away, like the Euskady language. Portuguese and Gallego , or better yet Galego, are indeed very close relatives, but there isn`t an Hispanic family that bonds them together, the Hispanic term is just used for the Spanish talking countries. They are Latin languages, that`s the connection, not Hispanic. The Iberian and Latin American organization is a political institution, based on historical ties and the use of Latin languages, not of Hispanic languages.
No. Actually, Catalan has less in common with Spanish then Spanish does with Portugese. Catalan is an East Iberian Romance language, Galcian-Portugese is a West Iberian language, like Castillan Spanish.

Catalan is closer related to Provencal (Occitain, another name for it, is related to the name Catalan), and I've heard it's closer to Genoese Italian then some dialects of Spanish.

EDIT: I'm talking about subdivisions of the Romance family, are you talking about the Romance group?

I`m saying this to try to prevent you from making statements less sensitive in cultural terms, like one security member of an american airport that once bothered one brother-in-law of mine, making questions for half an hour and searching everything he brought with him, at the end saying "you see since you have an HISPANIC name you could be just someone coming from DOWN THERE in order to work ilegally in the States, and that must stop". My brother in law had come from Portugal, in Europe, not central or south america, is called João , not the Hispanic Juan, and was going to the states to continue his research in Harvard... do you get why i`m a bit picky with these sort of statements now?
I see. Interesting, European nationalism.

We seem to have quite a bit of Portugese here, am I wrong?
Catalan is closer related to Provencal (Occitain, another name for it, is related to the name Catalan), and I've heard it's closer to Genoese Italian then some dialects of Spanish.

True, i won`t dispute that, if you please stop to call Portuguese an Hispanic language ok? Do we have a deal?
Briosafreak said:
Catalan is closer related to Provencal (Occitain, another name for it, is related to the name Catalan), and I've heard it's closer to Genoese Italian then some dialects of Spanish.

True, i won`t dispute that, if you please stop to call Portuguese an Hispanic language ok? Do we have a deal?

I meant Western Iberian. No offence intended. Yes, deal.

You're right Kharn, my bad. However, in theory, the parlament is supposed to be granted more power once the constitution's finished.

In any case, my point is that the said president, the council's or the commision's, has no real power. His role is dynamizing, promoting and acting sometimes as a middle-man in certain relations between countries inside the EU, not starting a bullshit war "for freedom" in the middle east.

Good thing, in my opinion.
Bah i know he will be powerless, but the problem will be that the president would be rivaling the american president in stupid comments, if berlusconi had been elected.