Best sitting for Timeslip?


Vault Senior Citizen
Sorry tha i openend a thread again, but i have a request.

Can someone give me the best sittings to play fallout with best graphic? Because i donotknow how to istall the fx files and other stuff.

Thx a lot
I think you have to clarify your question, dude, and check your spelling.

Your question as it is now is too broad. I can't make heads or tails of it, in any case.
Sorry but i just need to know which options i have to make in the ini files! And how to isntall the fx filters!
Mr.Wolna said:
{"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.}

A guide in the wiki would be helpful, maybe someone wants to write one? the fx filter are part of sfall, read the ini. If you mean the global shaders, there is a guide in the wiki, but I am not sure if these are redundant now or not?
Yes, but there are so much options in the ini and i dont know which are thebest to make a good graphic possible so someone who knows plz write a short Faw, this will be very helpfull Thanks!
Mr.Wolna said:
{"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} {"plz" bitch-slap me.} !

It will take you a couple of minutes to experiment man, there are allot of options because it caters for different peoples ideas of what looks best. I think option 4 was what I used, but have to agree a super anal (typical FO fan) guide to the filters would be cool.
Mr.Wolna said:
Mr.Wolna said:
{"{"plz" bitch-slap me.}" bitch-slap me.}{"{"plz" bitch-slap me.}" bitch-slap me.}{"{"plz" bitch-slap me.}" bitch-slap me.}

That's okay man, it never gets old :lol: By resolution do you mean more on screen? because SFall does no do that.
I mean fit all graphics, like the maps and the inventory and statur graphics. for a normal playing in higher resulations, because i heard many zhinks in Fallout Tactics are from Fallout, but looks much better because of the high resulation! Fife can hold maps with higert resulation but know FIFE is an engine for other games and it is not possible ti load fallout in FIFE! :cry:
Highter resolution is possible, but looks ugly, because of the not fitting interface. As far as I know, there is no tool or patch, that would fix the interface issues on higher resolutions. The most maps are also not build for a higher resolution than 640x480px. So, this maps would also needed to be edited or it will also look ugly.
Yes, I edited the post while you wrote yours.

Fallout isn't made for higher resolutions, so I also would never play it in higher than 640x480px. On a higher resolution you would also see more repetitive scenery objects and so on.
And its impossible to patch this i mena interface and the maps are muc work but i think possible to do or all the scenery and so on will be need to patch too#?
Omg, some original maps (like Enclave Oil Rig entrance) would not even fit into 800x600...