Best Weapons To Use Against Frank Horrigan

The gauss rifle is good, however its a shame the BB gun "perk" doesn't work in Fallout 2. How funny would it be to take down Frank with a BB?
I found out that certain weapons have a perk called Weapon Penetrate which allows attacks to ignore 80% of the target's damage resistance.

In Fallout 1, only three weapons had this perk: the .223 pistol, the power fist, and the ripper.

In Fallout 2, the follow weapons are added: pulse rifle, pulse pistol, needler pistol, mega power fist, wakizashi, little jesus, magneto laser pistol, holy hand grenade, and the end boss knife.

The pulse rifle is the best single-shot weapon to use against Frank Horrigan because his armor is weak against electrical attacks. The alien blaster is a close second even though it is not on the list.

A character specializing only in small guns as a combat option would use the .223 pistol or Needler Pistol, but would either weapon actually deal good damage with critical hits against Horrigan?

I was wondering if anybody had tried any of the above weapons above against Horrigan and how much critical damage they did.
Armour piercing perks doesn't mean anything when you can get 100% crit rate with 10 luck and Sniper perk (Easily done if you have 8 luck to start, and get the Zeta Scan).

Crits pierce armour.
I tried a small guns fast shot build using the gauss pistol and the H&K G11E with both ranks of the bonus ranged damage perk. Even at close range, burst fire of the H&K G11e only did slightly less than 50 points of damage.

In a past playthrough, I tried using targeted shots with the Gauss Rifle. No good either. Apparently only the top energy (Pulse Rifle and Alien Blast) and big guns (Bozar or Vindicator Minigun) are your only chance for dealing massive damage against him. For all other builds, you'd have to use the presidential card for your only chance of winning.

You'd probably have to destroy all the turrets first before focusing on Horrigan so that it will be just you (together with your allies) against him if using solely small guns.
I tried a small guns fast shot build using the gauss pistol and the H&K G11E with both ranks of the bonus ranged damage perk. Even at close range, burst fire of the H&K G11e only did slightly less than 50 points of damage.

In a past playthrough, I tried using targeted shots with the Gauss Rifle. No good either. Apparently only the top energy (Pulse Rifle and Alien Blast) and big guns (Bozar or Vindicator Minigun) are your only chance for dealing massive damage against him. For all other builds, you'd have to use the presidential card for your only chance of winning.

You'd probably have to destroy all the turrets first before focusing on Horrigan so that it will be just you (together with your allies) against him if using solely small guns.

Don't expect to do much damage to him no matter what you use, barring the burstfire miniguns/Bozar.

Best to hack the turrets, or disable them if possible.

Aim for the eye!
Convince a team before you leave a room(squad guys in power armors, required good speech) + turrets
I just use the Bozar. Granted, by this point I usually have Sniper and 10 luck...

Yeah, Sniper is frankly the best perk in the game.

Crits are disgustingly powerful, even moreso if you have better Criticals.

Nothing beats 1 hit deathclaw kills with a punch.
Played an Unarmed Jinxed character once in 2. Didn't finish but it was fun.

Jinxed IMO is the single most broken thing in the game.

Firstly, unlike the AI, you can choose to attack only when you're certain to hit, Enclave will happily fire 10% hit rate shots at you...Seeing the enclave base full of disarmed dudes is truly entertaining.