Bethesda Podcast #4 and New Vegas performance tests

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
What exactly is bull about it? They just run it and show it.

Besides, don't forget the engine was kind of built on and for the Xbox 360.
Brother None said:
What exactly is bull about it? They just run it and show it.

Besides, don't forget the engine was kind of built on and for the Xbox 360.
I mean it shouldn't be like that-kind-of-bull. I t really pains me that the Xbox is the leading console with all of its problems, and wasn't the Gambryo built for PC back in the Morrowind days?
Morrowind didn't use Gamebryo. I think it used NetImmerse, but I forget. Different engine than Oblivion, regardless, and it's Oblivion's xbox 360 focused engine we're dealing with here.
My bad, you're absolutely right, but shouldn't the consoles be able to have equal graphics at least? The hardware in an Xbox can't be THAT different from a PS3...
It's probably less the hardware than the development platform. xbox/pc would be roughly similar, while the ps3 would be a completely different animal.
Brother None said:
Morrowind didn't use Gamebryo. I think it used NetImmerse, but I forget. Different engine than Oblivion, regardless, and it's Oblivion's xbox 360 focused engine we're dealing with here.

Gamebryo and NetImmerse are pretty much the same engine, it's just a newer version of it.
Ausir said:
Gamebryo and NetImmerse are pretty much the same engine, it's just a newer version of it.

Gamebryo is NetImmerse's successor, saying that makes it "pretty much the same, just a newer version" is about as meaningless as saying the same of the id Tech engines.

Shape up, Ausir.
Faceless_Stranger said:
My bad, you're absolutely right, but shouldn't the consoles be able to have equal graphics at least? The hardware in an Xbox can't be THAT different from a PS3...

As far as I know it is. The PS3 is more complex to work with (and it's not entirely clear if it's really more powerful than the X360) and developers/publishers are not willing to spend more time to make multiplatform games identical. Ever wondered why multiplatform games are always better on the X360?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
My bad, you're absolutely right, but shouldn't the consoles be able to have equal graphics at least? The hardware in an Xbox can't be THAT different from a PS3...

As far as I know it is. The PS3 is more complex to work with (and it's not entirely clear if it's really more powerful than the X360) and developers/publishers are not willing to spend more time to make multiplatform games identical. Ever wondered why multiplatform games are always better on the X360?
Because people are stoopid?
Why even bother with a PC/Xbox comparison. PCs have been faster and with better graphics chips for the past 4 years.
Faceless_Stranger said:
That PS3/360 comparison is bull, technically, the PS3 is the better console... yet it has worse graphics?
It's funny! Because the ps3 version of oblivion was the best looking version!
Lingwei said:
Why even bother with a PC/Xbox comparison. PCs have been faster and with better graphics chips for the past 4 years.

PC's have ALWAYS been better, and they always will. I'd never waste a dime on any console.
Astiaks said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
That PS3/360 comparison is bull, technically, the PS3 is the better console... yet it has worse graphics?
It's funny! Because the ps3 version of oblivion was the best looking version!

It also came out a full year later.
Astiaks said:
korindabar said:
Astiaks said:
It's funny! Because the ps3 version of oblivion was the best looking version!

It also came out a full year later.

It was also ported by 2k Studios. :D

It was actually ported by 4J Studios, small Scottish dev who has not only done some great console ports but fantastic N64 HD conversions.
Elven6 said:
It was actually ported by 4J Studios, small Scottish dev who has not only done some great console ports but fantastic N64 HD conversions.

True, i had totaly forgotten about 4j Studios and their awesome Perfect Dark port.