"Fun" is made up f many things for many people. gameplay, story, writing, graphics, etc. are just a couple of the things that draw people to games. I think you (like me and I believe just about everyone else on this forum) enjoy fallout because the writing is great. This mixes with fun gameplay to make a good story, with comedy, combat, and the kicking of rats in the groin.
When you play through Fallout, aren't you having fun? Why even play if you aren't having fun? 'Stirring up "real emotions" is part of what makes it enjoyable. I hated watching dogmeat die (except when I played through as evil, then it was funny) and grew attached enough to my npcs that after a marathon session of F2, (and a continual failure to remember to save) I went back more than 12 levels because I forgot Cassidy, Vic, Dogmeat, and Sulik outside the enclave, and couldn't retrieve them. So I reloaded. Wated hours of play, and for what? A bunch of sprites.