Bethesda will be at E3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Let's hope we'll see something new:<blockquote>Pete Hines, V.P. of Public Relations and Marketing at Bethesda Softworks (makers of the blockbuster RPG Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion) contacted GameDaily BIZ to let us know that ESA accidentally omitted Bethesda from the exhibitor list, but that Bethesda will indeed be at the Summit.</blockquote>Link: E3 Exhibitor List at GameDaily BIZ

Spotted on DaC.
looking on how hey approached pr with oblivion i reckon there is a fair chance we will ge to see not only screenshots but also a trailer for fallout 3 at E3 - probably the trailer wont reveal too much and just be fly throughs some levels...

this years E3 i think will garner more attn. this year esp since the show is in a new format...
I just hope they will give an interview or something and finally release some details about the game and its mechanics. I want something concrete to be angry about.
I suspect a trailer at this stage will be mostly fluff, though it's likely it will reveal *some* key elements if it's not all "cutscene" stuff. How was the first trailer for Oblivion?

As skeptical I am, it will be nice to finally have something shown.

Hopefully they won't say "uh yeah, details about Fallout 3 will be postponed for a few more years".
well, we'll be able to tell a lot about the game in one brief look (may it be screenshots or an actual trailer).

should be clear quickly enough if we're dealing with a true Fallout or an "Oblivion with Gunz".
They better show something this year ! Not just a dumb poster ! But I guess that after opening the FO3 forum/website, not showing anything would be rather weird...
Screen shot of the Fallout Poster? Screen shot of the screen shot? ...I guess we will have to wait and see.
Cross your fingers, hope, and pray.
I am fearing the worst to be honest.
I can see it now "360 will give all gamers a chance to play Obliv....errr Fallout 3."
Maphusio said:
Screen shot of the Fallout Poster? Screen shot of the screen shot? ...I guess we will have to wait and see.

The one with the familiy playing ball? It wasnt dumb at all.
E3 will be like :

incognito :)
I wonder what the fallout will be with the rest of the industry......

I know, I know I am a punny guy.
Did they move it or something? I thought it was in may? Why the fuck are they making me wait so long?
Because they like it in the ass. With pitchforks.

Well, anyway, i hope that we are all pleasantly surprised, and amazed, at what FO3 is, but I have my doubts.
maximaz said:
Did they move it or something? I thought it was in may? Why the fuck are they making me wait so long?

E3 had been in May, but it was cancelled because its blown out of proportions and is too expensive. So the E3 being referred to is a new, smaller-scale show run by a different organization.