slicer17 said:Scare tactics and Big Brother nonsense
God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.slicer17 said:Prepare for revolution, or prepare to live in a communist state.
Sander said:God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.
That's what happens when their schools, media and parents feed them bullshit propaganda (i.e. the only kind of propaganda that exists in USA.) Suddenly words like 'communism', 'socialism', 'leftist' and 'marxist' have become synonims for everything evil. If they were smart enough to take into the account the fact that half European governments are basically left-wing, they would come to a horrifying conclusion that entire Europe is some kind of a totalitarian hell where citizens starve to death or are randomly shot in the streets by evil wraiths disguised as militia officers.Sander said:God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.
Mr. Nudge a while ago said:I do believe we have a necrophiliac amongst us!
Dictatorship of the Proletariant, Sander. Damn, Marx was so anti-democratic that he was ambivilent about the Paris Commune as it procrastinated doing things for Democratic processes!Sander said:God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.slicer17 said:Prepare for revolution, or prepare to live in a communist state.
Ratty said:That's what happens when their schools, media and parents feed them bullshit propaganda (i.e. the only kind of propaganda that exists in USA.) Suddenly words like 'communism', 'socialism', 'leftist' and 'marxist' have become synonims for everything evil. If they were smart enough to take into the account the fact that half European governments are basically left-wing, they would come to a horrifying conclusion that entire Europe is some kind of a totalitarian hell where citizens starve to death or are randomly shot in the streets by evil wraiths disguised as militia officers.Sander said:God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.
Buy a clue, people.
Not true. Why the bloody hell does everybody twist Marx's teachings? 'Dictatorship of the proletariat' is just a phrase Marx coined, and it really means 'Workers' democracy.' Rather than a system where all power is is hands of a handful of wealthy capitalists, Marx proposed a system where all power is equally divided among workers, who make up a vast majority of population - when power is in hands of about 95% people, the state can hardly be considered totalitarian. However, everyone who ever comes in contact with Marx's teachings is eager to cling to the 'dictatorship' bit - communists did it because it gave them an excuse to constitute totalitarian countries, where state isn't ruled by the workers, but rather by a handful of Party leaders who tendentiously call themselves 'the people's government' and rule 'in the name of the workers'; and their opponents love to use it as some kind of an absolute proof that socialism is by definition an undemocratic system that can only function as a brutal police state. Such intentional misinterpretations eventually led to utter failure of socialism as both a political and an economic system and, consequentially, suffering of millions of people. Marx himself disagreed with them, as indicated by his famous sentence: "All I know is I'm not a Marxist."ConstipatedCraprunner said:Dictatorship of the Proletariant, Sander. Damn, Marx was so anti-democratic that he was ambivilent about the Paris Commune as it procrastinated doing things for Democratic processes!
Wooz said:Tsk. Nobody said a damn word about my great picture.
Go to hell.
Ratty said:Not true. Why the bloody hell does everybody twist Marx's teachings? 'Dictatorship of the proletariat' is just a phrase Marx coined, and it really means 'Workers' democracy.' Rather than a system where all power is is hands of a handful of wealthy capitalists, Marx proposed a system where all power is equally divided among workers, who make up a vast majority of population - when power is in hands of about 95% people, the state can hardly be considered totalitarian. However, everyone who ever comes in contact with Marx's teachings is eager to cling to the 'dictatorship' bit - communists did it because it gave them an excuse to constitute totalitarian countries, where state isn't ruled by the workers, but rather by a handful of Party leaders who tendentiously call themselves 'the people's government' and rule 'in the name of the workers'; and their opponents love to use it as some kind of an absolute proof that socialism is by definition an undemocratic system that can only function as a brutal police state. Such intentional misinterpretations eventually led to utter failure of socialism as both a political and an economic system and, consequentially, suffering of millions of people. Marx himself disagreed with them, as indicated by his famous sentence: "All I know is I'm not a Marxist."ConstipatedCraprunner said:Dictatorship of the Proletariant, Sander. Damn, Marx was so anti-democratic that he was ambivilent about the Paris Commune as it procrastinated doing things for Democratic processes!
Ratty said:, where state isn't ruled by the workers, but rather by a handful of Party leaders who tendentiously call themselves 'the people's government' and rule 'in the name of the workers';
Not true. Why the bloody hell does everybody twist Marx's teachings? 'Dictatorship of the proletariat' is just a phrase Marx coined, and it really means 'Workers' democracy.' Rather than a system where all power is is hands of a handful of wealthy capitalists, Marx proposed a system where all power is equally divided among workers, who make up a vast majority of population - when power is in hands of about 95% people,
Marxism is by it's very nature an undemocratic ideal, as it is merley about switiching roles in society, and not giving true equality
Slicer17 wrote:
Scare tactics and Big Brother nonsense
It this kind of hype and dissembling that helps no one and makes you look like one of the fools on Crossfire.
God bloody damnit! Learn the meaning of words before you use them. Communism is not totalitarianism, nor is it any form of constantly monitoring everyone and everything. I am sick and fucking tired of people who don't know what they are talking about abusing a bunch of terms.
slicer17 said:whoops -
my point still stands. "redirects asshat comment"
"still leaves dunce hat for murdoch"