Big Brother Listening?


Funny how today's morning news is mostly about American Idol.

While this story gets less attention.


Hey how about that invasive government, hunh?

NSA Has Massive Database of Americans' Phone Calls
By Leslie Cauley
USA Today

Thursday 11 May 2006

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

Ah.. it's nice how corporate america goes along with the state's abuse of civil liberties.

Oh telephone records are not entitled to privacy, ya know.

How can it be private when you actually talk to someone else?

The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans - most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews.

So if you have been calling dial a porn, the NSA should be paying some of these costs. Because lets be honest, dial-a-porn is expensive shit. ANd if the NSA is getting its kicks listening to you get off on teleporn, than it's unjust enrichment for them and they should have to pay you.

This is almost as good as getting on the Congressional Pornography review panels.

Questions and Answers: The NSA Record Collection Program

"It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.

America! Land of the Biggest!

For the customers of these companies, it means that the government has detailed records of calls they made - across town or across the country - to family members, co-workers, business contacts and others.

The three telecommunications companies are working under contract with the NSA, which launched the program in 2001 shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the sources said. The program is aimed at identifying and tracking suspected terrorists, they said.

Oh... and republicans.. Remember that your Congressman is supporting this policy.

The sources would talk only under a guarantee of anonymity because the NSA program is secret.

Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, nominated Monday by President Bush to become the director of the CIA, headed the NSA from March 1999 to April 2005. In that post, Hayden would have overseen the agency's domestic call-tracking program. Hayden declined to comment about the program.

The NSA's domestic program, as described by sources, is far more expansive than what the White House has acknowledged. Last year, Bush said he had authorized the NSA to eavesdrop - without warrants - on international calls and international e-mails of people suspected of having links to terrorists when one party to the communication is in the USA. Warrants have also not been used in the NSA's efforts to create a national call database.

Warrants? Who needs Warrants when God loves Bush.

By the way, if you are in the NSA and you are reading our threads here, please let us know and stop being a lurker, ya know. Because lurking isn't cool.

In defending the previously disclosed program, Bush insisted that the NSA was focused exclusively on international calls. "In other words," Bush explained, "one end of the communication must be outside the United States."

As a result, domestic call records - those of calls that originate and terminate within U.S. borders - were believed to be private.

Whoops! Hey, ignorance of the law is no excuse for being ignorant of when the government is spying on you.

Sources, however, say that is not the case. With access to records of billions of domestic calls, the NSA has gained a secret window into the communications habits of millions of Americans. Customers' names, street addresses and other personal information are not being handed over as part of NSA's domestic program, the sources said. But the phone numbers the NSA collects can easily be cross-checked with other databases to obtain that information.

If I were the NSA I would sell this info to the marketing companies which would love this crap. I mean, can you imagine much valuable marketing behavior has been collected on this.

It's a gold mine.

(Note to the NSA person reading this message- although I can't really suggest that you should break the law nor should you take what I suggest here as incitement to break the law.... You do realize that bank accounts in Austria are completely anonymous and good from hiding mucho dinero..... and you might be suspecting that your boss has been thinking the same thing.... and there are places outside the US where the government can't extradite you... although you might end up in a CIA prison in Romania.... Just... well you know.)

Don Weber, a senior spokesman for the NSA, declined to discuss the agency's operations. "Given the nature of the work we do, it would be irresponsible to comment on actual or alleged operational issues; therefore, we have no information to provide," he said. "However, it is important to note that NSA takes its legal responsibilities seriously and operates within the law."

Very neatly within the law.. And where those legal issues are questionable, those grey murky areas... the NSA still has lawyer that will advice it and then there is always the solicitor general and the Attorney General to defend the Man should he get into legal trouble..... did we mention that the court is owned by the same party that owns the Congress and the White House....

Law? Hey, remember the Republicans won so it must mean that Bush is divine, or something. How can you break the laws of man when the Law our God has sanctioned this behavior with electoral victory (Who cares about Ohio).

The White House would not discuss the domestic call-tracking program. "There is no domestic surveillance without court approval," said Dana Perino, deputy press secretary, referring to actual eavesdropping.

You note that Perino didn't say "There is no domestic call-tracking program."

That's called being slippery, legalese.

She added that all national intelligence activities undertaken by the federal government "are lawful, necessary and required for the pursuit of al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorists." All government-sponsored intelligence activities "are carefully reviewed and monitored," Perino said. She also noted that "all appropriate members of Congress have been briefed on the intelligence efforts of the United States."

Frankly, I am glad. I am 90% confident that al Qaeda is neither in my toilet nor up Oprah's ass. But I think the NSA should a bug in both places.

The government is collecting "external" data on domestic phone calls but is not intercepting "internals," a term for the actual content of the communication, according to a U.S. intelligence official familiar with the program. This kind of data collection from phone companies is not uncommon; it's been done before, though never on this large a scale, the official said. The data are used for "social network analysis," the official said, meaning to study how terrorist networks contact each other and how they are tied together.

SOcial network analysis = telemarketing plannng?

Big bucks for the person who gets his hands on that data, baby.

Carriers Uniquely Positioned

AT&T recently merged with SBC and kept the AT&T name. Verizon, BellSouth and AT&T are the nation's three biggest telecommunications companies; they provide local and wireless phone service to more than 200 million customers.

The three carriers control vast networks with the latest communications technologies. They provide an array of services: local and long-distance calling, wireless and high-speed broadband, including video. Their direct access to millions of homes and businesses has them uniquely positioned to help the government keep tabs on the calling habits of Americans.

Hmmmm..... didn't we have a conversation about corporatism.
If the state controls the corporations, and the corporations control the market (add the church and everything else into the state's pocket....)

Of course this is necessary for the national defense. Meanwhile W's space based defense initiative is enhanced with AT&T satellites that can precision pin-point cellphone callers and put a lazer zap on their ass.

Among the big telecommunications companies, only Qwest has refused to help the NSA, the sources said. According to multiple sources, Qwest declined to participate because it was uneasy about the legal implications of handing over customer information to the government without warrants.

Hoot to Quest! I think I am going to find a new phone company. Anyone know their rates?

Qwest's refusal to participate has left the NSA with a hole in its database. Based in Denver, Qwest provides local phone service to 14 million customers in 14 states in the West and Northwest. But AT&T and Verizon also provide some services - primarily long-distance and wireless - to people who live in Qwest's region. Therefore, they can provide the NSA with at least some access in that area.

Poor NSA...
Quest- expect regular tax audits in your future.

THou shalt not disobey the state's demands.

Created by President Truman in 1952, during the Korean War, the NSA is charged with protecting the United States from foreign security threats. The agency was considered so secret that for years the government refused to even confirm its existence. Government insiders used to joke that NSA stood for "No Such Agency."

In 1975, a congressional investigation revealed that the NSA had been intercepting, without warrants, international communications for more than 20 years at the behest of the CIA and other agencies. The spy campaign, code-named "Shamrock," led to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was designed to protect Americans from illegal eavesdropping.

Enacted in 1978, FISA lays out procedures that the U.S. government must follow to conduct electronic surveillance and physical searches of people believed to be engaged in espionage or international terrorism against the United States. A special court, which has 11 members, is responsible for adjudicating requests under FISA.

Over the years, NSA code-cracking techniques have continued to improve along with technology. The agency today is considered expert in the practice of "data mining" - sifting through reams of information in search of patterns. Data mining is just one of many tools NSA analysts and mathematicians use to crack codes and track international communications.

Paul Butler, a former U.S. prosecutor who specialized in terrorism crimes, said FISA approval generally isn't necessary for government data-mining operations. "FISA does not prohibit the government from doing data mining," said Butler, now a partner with the law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld in Washington, D.C.

The caveat, he said, is that "personal identifiers" - such as names, Social Security numbers and street addresses - can't be included as part of the search. "That requires an additional level of probable cause," he said.

The usefulness of the NSA's domestic phone-call database as a counterterrorism tool is unclear. Also unclear is whether the database has been used for other purposes.

Unclear purposes.....
Expensive programs....

Hmmmm..... More W at work?

The NSA's domestic program raises legal questions. Historically, AT&T and the regional phone companies have required law enforcement agencies to present a court order before they would even consider turning over a customer's calling data. Part of that owed to the personality of the old Bell Telephone System, out of which those companies grew.

Ma Bell's bedrock principle - protection of the customer - guided the company for decades, said Gene Kimmelman, senior public policy director of Consumers Union. "No court order, no customer information - period. That's how it was for decades," he said.

The concern for the customer was also based on law: Under Section 222 of the Communications Act, first passed in 1934, telephone companies are prohibited from giving out information regarding their customers' calling habits: whom a person calls, how often and what routes those calls take to reach their final destination. Inbound calls, as well as wireless calls, also are covered.

The financial penalties for violating Section 222, one of many privacy reinforcements that have been added to the law over the years, can be stiff. The Federal Communications Commission, the nation's top telecommunications regulatory agency, can levy fines of up to $130,000 per day per violation, with a cap of $1.325 million per violation. The FCC has no hard definition of "violation." In practice, that means a single "violation" could cover one customer or 1 million.

Man... talk about massive class action law suits against the major telecoms...

In the case of the NSA's international call-tracking program, Bush signed an executive order allowing the NSA to engage in eavesdropping without a warrant. The president and his representatives have since argued that an executive order was sufficient for the agency to proceed. Some civil liberties groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, disagree.

Constitutional Law 101- Executive Order basically is a presidential order that acts as if it were law, although it can overridden by Congressional action. Like that will ever happen.

Why? Because a Republican Congress is the president's anal bitch.

Companies Approached

The NSA's domestic program began soon after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the sources. Right around that time, they said, NSA representatives approached the nation's biggest telecommunications companies. The agency made an urgent pitch: National security is at risk, and we need your help to protect the country from attacks.

Country is under attack, Terrorists are Everywhere, they are trying to destroy our way of life.

SO help us destroy our way of life so we can stop the terrorists from achieving their goal- of destroying our way of life.

Do you see the problem here?

The agency told the companies that it wanted them to turn over their "call-detail records," a complete listing of the calling histories of their millions of customers. In addition, the NSA wanted the carriers to provide updates, which would enable the agency to keep tabs on the nation's calling habits.

The sources said the NSA made clear that it was willing to pay for the cooperation. AT&T, which at the time was headed by C. Michael Armstrong, agreed to help the NSA. So did BellSouth, headed by F. Duane Ackerman; SBC, headed by Ed Whitacre; and Verizon, headed by Ivan Seidenberg.

Money! So that's how it got the corporations to go along. As customers did you really think these guys would be ethical?

With that, the NSA's domestic program began in earnest.

AT&T, when asked about the program, replied with a comment prepared for USA TODAY: "We do not comment on matters of national security, except to say that we only assist law enforcement and government agencies charged with protecting national security in strict accordance with the law."

In another prepared comment, BellSouth said: "BellSouth does not provide any confidential customer information to the NSA or any governmental agency without proper legal authority."

Verizon, the USA's No. 2 telecommunications company behind AT&T, gave this statement: "We do not comment on national security matters, we act in full compliance with the law and we are committed to safeguarding our customers' privacy."

Qwest spokesman Robert Charlton said: "We can't talk about this. It's a classified situation."

(1) They are not saying No. Just that they are complying with the law.
(2) It's classified so they can't talk about it....
So how are you, as citizens, supposed to know if your rights are being violated?

In December, The New York Times revealed that Bush had authorized the NSA to wiretap, without warrants, international phone calls and e-mails that travel to or from the USA. The following month, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group, filed a class-action lawsuit against AT&T. The lawsuit accuses the company of helping the NSA spy on U.S. phone customers.

Last month, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales alluded to that possibility. Appearing at a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Gonzales was asked whether he thought the White House has the legal authority to monitor domestic traffic without a warrant. Gonzales' reply: "I wouldn't rule it out." His comment marked the first time a Bush appointee publicly asserted that the White House might have that authority.

Similarities in Programs

The domestic and international call-tracking programs have things in common, according to the sources. Both are being conducted without warrants and without the approval of the FISA court. The Bush administration has argued that FISA's procedures are too slow in some cases. Officials, including Gonzales, also make the case that the USA Patriot Act gives them broad authority to protect the safety of the nation's citizens.

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., would not confirm the existence of the program. In a statement, he said, "I can say generally, however, that our subcommittee has been fully briefed on all aspects of the Terrorist Surveillance Program. ... I remain convinced that the program authorized by the president is lawful and absolutely necessary to protect this nation from future attacks."

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., declined to comment.

So how much faith do you have in your elected representatives?

One Company Differs

One major telecommunications company declined to participate in the program: Qwest.

According to sources familiar with the events, Qwest's CEO at the time, Joe Nacchio, was deeply troubled by the NSA's assertion that Qwest didn't need a court order - or approval under FISA - to proceed. Adding to the tension, Qwest was unclear about who, exactly, would have access to its customers' information and how that information might be used.

Nacchio Libre!

Financial implications were also a concern, the sources said. Carriers that illegally divulge calling information can be subjected to heavy fines. The NSA was asking Qwest to turn over millions of records. The fines, in the aggregate, could have been substantial.

The NSA told Qwest that other government agencies, including the FBI, CIA and DEA, also might have access to the database, the sources said. As a matter of practice, the NSA regularly shares its information - known as "product" in intelligence circles - with other intelligence groups. Even so, Qwest's lawyers were troubled by the expansiveness of the NSA request, the sources said.

The NSA, which needed Qwest's participation to completely cover the country, pushed back hard.

Trying to put pressure on Qwest, NSA representatives pointedly told Qwest that it was the lone holdout among the big telecommunications companies. It also tried appealing to Qwest's patriotic side: In one meeting, an NSA representative suggested that Qwest's refusal to contribute to the database could compromise national security, one person recalled.

And the "you could be compromising national security" is even better than Catholic guilt.
But probably not as good as Jewish guilt.

In addition, the agency suggested that Qwest's foot-dragging might affect its ability to get future classified work with the government. Like other big telecommunications companies, Qwest already had classified contracts and hoped to get more.

Ah... if you don't cooperate you might lose some very valuable goverment contracts = co-opt and bribe.

Unable to get comfortable with what NSA was proposing, Qwest's lawyers asked NSA to take its proposal to the FISA court. According to the sources, the agency refused.

What? Go to Court? Welll... We don't have to.. We're the government! And .... WHat if we lost?

The NSA's explanation did little to satisfy Qwest's lawyers. "They told (Qwest) they didn't want to do that because FISA might not agree with them," one person recalled. For similar reasons, this person said, NSA rejected Qwest's suggestion of getting a letter of authorization from the U.S. attorney general's office. A second person confirmed this version of events.

In June 2002, Nacchio resigned amid allegations that he had misled investors about Qwest's financial health. But Qwest's legal questions about the NSA request remained.

Unable to reach agreement, Nacchio's successor, Richard Notebaert, finally pulled the plug on the NSA talks in late 2004, the sources said.

Ah.... big brother....

(I know someone is going to say! "Hey you're misapplying Orwell...." Yeah, I know.)

Still.... If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and listens to your telephone conversations like a duck......
Now I'm not much of a knowledgable person on these things so correct me when I'm wrong (which will be within moments). President Nixon was going to be impeached because of his support of people breaking in and attempting to spy on the Democrats? Now, wouldn't spying on millions of americans be a significant level higher than that? So why is Bush allowed to run amok and take scandal after scandal without impeachment when Nixon wasn't?

Again, apologies for my complete lack of knowledge. I usually just read, don't write...
This kind of stufff doesn't even surprise me anymore. It might not even bother me if I thought that it might achieve it's purpose, but I don't believe our intelligence agencies are anywhere near competent or intelligent enough to make things like this anything but a pointless waste of money and destruction of the public's faith in them. The government is like some stupid stoner with more imagination than intelligence who always comes up with these grandiose improbable schemes and is always telling themselves and their friends, "Dude, it's so simple, it can't fail!".

"Listen dude, it's like, people make patterns, right? And terrorists are people, so they make patterns too. So it's like, all we have to do is get a shitload of data and analyze all the patterns, and like, then we'll be able to tell who the terrorists are! It's genius man!"
"I don't know man, that sounds kind of far-fetched."
"You're such a nay-sayer. It's science, man, it's sound. It can't fail!"
" :roll: "

For me, the symbol of our "intelligence" agencies is MK Ultra. The type of people who concocted and enacted that idiotic project are the same type of people who are always going to be in charge, under-educated and not too bright people with boundless self-confidence and the belief that they are operating on a higher level than everyone else, acting as if the world operates like it does in bad spy and mystery fiction rather than how it actually does work, and who are given near carte-blanche to go through with their cockamamie schemes.

The invasion of privacy bothers me, but not as much as the fact that it's obvious to everyone but the people in power that their reach exceeds their grasp by a mile. Honestly, what kind of idiot believes that analyzing phone records is going to accomplish anything on the level they hope it will? They have neither the man power nor the intelligence to do anything useful with that kind of information other than get some chuckles out of spying on people and maybe bringing some minor crimes to light. If anything "big" does come out of it it won't be because of their efforts, it will be because it accidentally fell in their laps. They think they are James Bond, but they are actually Inspector Clouseau.

Funny, someone mentioned this yesterday but the thread doesn't seem to be around... (peers into garbage can) oh there it is! (it was vatted because of the attitude the guy had not the topic)
Anyway as I was saying
Paul Butler, a former U.S. prosecutor who specialized in terrorism crimes, said FISA approval generally isn't necessary for government data-mining operations. "FISA does not prohibit the government from doing data mining," said Butler, now a partner with the law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld in Washington, D.C.

The caveat, he said, is that "personal identifiers" — such as names, Social Security numbers and street addresses — can't be included as part of the search. "That requires an additional level of probable cause," he said.

The usefulness of the NSA's domestic phone-call database as a counterterrorism tool is unclear. Also unclear is whether the database has been used for other purposes.

Ok, let me see if I got this right: the No Such Agency das this huge database with all the calls made inside the US, to the US and from the US. Now how are they going to tell wich of these calls are made by some "Terrorists" unless the can put a name and a number together? I mean they claim they are not invading your privacy but then this whole database would be useless unless there are names in it. This is the same thing that was discussed in; how much are you wiling to give up in order to feel safe?
How can recording the vapid conversations of millions of idiot teenagers be construed as counter-terrorism work?

Also, Qwest was the only major telecom company that denied the government's request. I feel a bit better now about paying for their shitty DSL.
So I guess the joke is, if you attempt to monitor 100 billion phonecalls (a day), what does it sound like after the keyword filtering?

"Impeach Bush!" :D
I'd love to see some Democrat get ahold of some of the phone recordings and expose some Republican soliciting sex over the phone.

That'd rule.

The Vault Dweller
$1000 for your compliance

*Verizon Sued Over NSA Relationship*
Telcos could face $1,000 liability per customer record

Two New Jersey public interest lawyers sued Verizon [] late on Friday for $5 billion, alleging the phone giant violated privacy laws by turning over phone records to the National Security Agency for a secret government surveillance program. According to CBS Marketwatch [{501DBACD-B34C-4246-9EDB-604BB4FAADD9}] and a Georgetown law professor, the telcos could be liable for $1,000 per person whose phone records were divulged without a court order. The telcos will be sued for violating the 1934 Communications Act, and a variety of provisions of the Electronic Communications and Privacy Act, including the 1986 Stored Communications Act./
Hmm, this case could make history, especially if they could drag the NSA into this and hold them responsible for their abuse. I wonder how much Verizon is making from those governmental contracts they were willing to suck so much cock for?

although you might end up in a CIA prison in Romania.

Dude, I don't know how I missed this when I read this the first time but let me tell you this: if you have enough money a Romanian prison can be like a five star hotel, I mean private cell, big one with cable and some big ass plasma screen, DVD, a regular home entertainment shit, plus a fridge, furniture, carpets, hookers, drugs, cell phone, hell if you pay enough you can ass fuck the guards daily. Romanian prisons can be Paradise, nothing but pure bliss, of course you have to be in the VIP club :roll: .
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
although you might end up in a CIA prison in Romania.

Dude, I don't know how I missed this when I read this the first time but let me tell you this: if you have enough money a Romanian prison can be like a five star hotel, I mean private cell, big one with cable and some big ass plasma screen, DVD, a regular home entertainment shit, plus a fridge, furniture, carpets, hookers, drugs, cell phone, hell if you pay enough you can ass fuck the guards daily. Romanian prisons can be Paradise, nothing but pure bliss, of course you have to be in the VIP club :roll: .
euhm. it says CIA prison. as in illegal prison. as in we dont care about geneva prison.

this aint no normal Romanian prison dude... this is gonna be Guantanamo bullshit, but with less sun & more concrete.
euhm. it says CIA prison. as in illegal prison. as in we dont care about geneva prison.
this aint no normal Romanian prison dude... this is gonna be Guantanamo bullshit, but with less sun & more concrete.
Yeeah, well just let me go ahead and disagree with you there (who knows what movie this is from?) over here we have a little thing called Byzantine spirit. Here, at the gates of the Orient all is taken lightly. So far this country has managed to corrupt every outsider and bring him round to our way of life. Nobody can resist giving in to the dark side :twisted:. Eu officials, US officials been there done that, it's a breeze. :lol:

P.S. Has any of you guys seen Hostel? I just love the way it portrayed Eastern Europe. You have to love the kids, don't you? :lol:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
I'd love to see some Democrat get ahold of some of the phone recordings and expose some Republican soliciting sex over the phone.

That'd rule.

The Vault Dweller

That would rule.

Apparently there is a law suit- class action of $200 Billion. It's a $1000 penalty against the telecoms. So if you want a piece of the action- better get in on the class action soon.