Big collection of classic games sale on Ebay

Thanks Ghost for posting about my collection. I'm hoping to find good homes for these classic games. Here is a link to the RPG Codex thread that shows all the games I will hopefully list on ebay by the end of November:

I enjoy collecting and playing all these classics but I think I enjoy "hunting" them down as much as "having" them :lol: ! I'll end up collecting something as it's in my blood. Heck, in a few years I may start collecting the games all over again :oops: ! Anyway, my wife and daughter have put up with my collecting I think it's time for them to have a GREAT Christmas courtesy of this sale.
If only I had a job, I may have brought one or two (well Grim Fandango, it's box shall be mine) but I'm guessing postage and packaging to the UK will be nasty.

Saw your collection on the Kodex and jeez it's amazing. I didn't even know they had a boxed version of the 4th Monkey Island game.
Just a little friendly reminder that the first batch of auctions is ending today. I'll be posting the next batch tonight which will include the Ultima and Infocom games. :mrgreen:
A friend of mine is trying to get me the Terminator games you are selling, I honestly hope he wins the auctions.