Bigger fights?

Just changing all of the formations to surround is enough to increase encounter numbers, there is no need to adjust the numbers. But I'm not sure if it will effect some of the encounters actually appearing or not. I ran around the San Francisco area for ages and couldn't any random encounters. :?

But around the EPA there were plenty of Alien / Centaur encounters, also merchants with the surround formations are almost double their normal sizes.
.Pixote. said:

Hehehe... if all those aliens are tough that should be an interesting fight (if only to see how long your npc's last before getting killed)... but only once... it would immediately get annoying (for me at least).

Improved encounters would need to be more than just throwing bigger masses of higher hp/ap enemies at the player on an empty map with the player either surrounded or facing lines of enemies; it would very quickly become a tiresome matter of fruitlessly trying to escape without npc's dying or a matter of constant super-stimpak sucking and utter chaos (lulzy once, frustrating/annoying afterwards). Like i mentioned in my previous post, different maps with different critter placing would be necessary.
In case anybody is interested, I have not abandoned this project. It's just going reaaaly slow due to my lack of time and attention.

Does anybody know how to STOP a random encouter from appearing after a certain quest is fulfilled? I'd love to take down "Enclave Patrols" once you destroy Enclave and replace them with a rare "Enclave remnants" encounter.
Well, I suppose you search worldmap.txt for every instance of "NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player" and add ", If (Global(494) < 8)" after them.

It could look something like this:

enc_00=Chance:100%,Enc:(4-7) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player, If (Global(494) < 8)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-7) Enclave_remnants AMBUSH Player, If (Global(494) == 8)

Look under "[Encounter: NAV_Enclave_Patrol]" on how to set up the remnant soldiers and just make a similar one.

one more issue:

is it possible to make an encounter that appears only if a faction is hostile?
I would love to instroduce Salvatore/Mordino/Bishop/Wright assassins.
Yeah it can be done, as long as they trigger a global variable when they turn hostile.
Not sure there are any appropriate already, if not you would have to add one in their scripts.

Perhaps these work for what you want, not sure though:

G_var 251 Salvatore_warnings
G_var 252 Bishop_warnings
G_var 253 Mordino_warnings
G_var 254 Wright_warnings

It would go something like this etc...
enc_00=Chance:100%,Enc:(4-7) Salvatore_Assassins AMBUSH Player, If (Global(251) > 0)

Assuming those are the correct global variables of course (I'm just guessing from their names, haven't looked what they do in their scripts).
I like the idea, but as long as it is actually rare. I don't want to kill tens or hundreds of Enclave troopers and then arrive at the Oil Rig and be all happy to kill another legion of them.

Like, the nightkin assassins... I mean, there must be a reason for them to be wandering here, and if you have ten of them chasing you every time it will be kind of... ruining the experience?
The bigger encounters will have very small chances of appearing. Don't worry. Enclave encounters in specific will happen only after you've beaten the game and even then will be rare. The Executioner encounter is one-time encounter and it requires character level 50 so far.

I will leave most of original game encounters intact except for alien encounters, which are just too easy so far. Regular alien encounter will be x9 aliens now.
Glad to hear it.

So far I have planned 31 additional encounters. Most of them are enlarged versions of what we already have in the game, but some are unique and based on enemies that appear only in solid locations (i.e. brain bots).

The harder ones have level requirements and are quite rare, so they shouldn't be an issue for underleveled characters or people that don't want to run away from overly hard encounters every two seconds.

Most of the harder will start appearing around level 21, because it's where you pick sniper, and sniper makes every encounter much easier.
DForge said:
Is there a way to make a critter immune to instant kill crits? Like Frank Horrigan is?
In general, no. The critical hit tables are hardcoded by critter type (men/women/ghouls/floaters/etc.). Horrigan has his own critter type, giving him a unique (and somewhat broken) set of criticals.

However, it may be possible to temporarily 'disable' instant kills with scripting. Except for rats, they all require the Better Criticals perk, so you could check if the player has that and remove it or add -20 to the crit modifier stat. Just make sure you reverse it when the encounter is over.
Unfortunately, any scripting is beyond me. Unless somebody is willing to help.

Aww damn. I will have to get rid of the Legendary Deathclaw encounter. What's the point of putting a powerful beast there when there's a 26% chance it will be still alive after first turn against a typical gauss pistol powerbuild, no matter how high the hps/resists are -_-
DForge said:
Is there a way to make a critter immune to instant kill crits? Like Frank Horrigan is?
Hm, it reminds me of the Temple of trials. There are critical hits disabled completely, not sure if that's done through some script or how. (Disabling whole criticals seems to be a good workaround for avoiding the insta-death hits.)
valcik said:
DForge said:
Is there a way to make a critter immune to instant kill crits? Like Frank Horrigan is?
Hm, it reminds me of the Temple of trials. There are critical hits disabled completely, not sure if that's done through some script or how. (Disabling whole criticals seems to be a good workaround for avoiding the insta-death hits.)

So character builds relying on cricital hits are completely screwed.
Yes, completely screwed during the Legendary Deathclaw encounter. They will be running for a life!

I meant disabling it only at the single encounter map, of course.
I get what you mean, but this is very bad design in a game if you basically disable the way a build is played for a certain part of gamers. Critical hits are very important in Fallout, disabling them is not the best idea...
I don't want to disable critical hits for that encounter.

I want to disable instant kill. Which is, among others, a grade 6 torso critical.


a typical powerbuild can shoot a gauss pistol 6 times and achieve a critical each time thanks to sniper.

Grade 6 crit occurs 20% of the time (well it's 20/101 but for simplicity sake let's round it up), so the chance of the deathclaw standing alive after the end of your turn is 0,8^6 ~ 0,26 = 26%.

When you have 3/4 chance of killing the enemy outright despite him having 900 HP and high resistances, I wouldn't call that "difficult" at all...

hence instant kill should be disabled for this encounter.

i think removing "better criticals" via script and re-adding it after the combat may be a reasonable idea. Anyone willing to help with that? can't script for life.

EDIT: would something happen if I set the bodytype of frank horrigan for the deathclaw?
That's awesome.

I wasn't aware deathclaws take such massive crit damage. x5 torso crit, x8 eye critical, holy! :)

I keep forgetting that each body type has different critical hit table and somehow always use "human" table as reference point...

By the way, does anybody know what's the global variable number for Hubologists' hostility? is there a global for AHS-9's death?