Billy Mays RIP

Cimmerian Nights said:
Picking out your favorite infomercial be it the Clapper, Chia Pets, Might Putty - it's kind of like choosing your favorite Jean-Claude Van Damme or Ed Wood movie.
Mighty Putty for me, hands down. It's a glue (even though Billy always insisted it wasn't a glue), a filler, and a sculpting material that, when dry, is hard enough to pull the weight of a semi with a full load. You can use it to fix broken dishes, mend a scar in furniture, or reattach missing heat-resistant tiles to the bottom of the space shuttle. I'm still not sure why everything isn't made from Mighty Putty. If Michaelangelo were alive today, he would prefer Mighty Putty to marble, I'm sure.

SuAside said:
the fact you even have a favorite TV salesman makes me hate the culture you grew up in...
Bah. If you're looking to a reason to hate my culture, you're barking up the wrong tree with Billy Mays. Snake oil is a great American tradition.
My 4yo daughter is a huge fan of the term "mighty putty", it's just one of those goofy sounding words. mighty putty. She thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. I didn't know this guy's name until he died, he was "the Mighty Putty guy" in our house.

I told her he died today, she starts in with the death questions. Billy Mays brought on one of those The Road-esque conversations.

Is the might putty guy dead
Yes he is
How'd he die
Heart attack or somthin
Where is he now
I don't know, a morgue
What's a morgue
It's where they hold dead bodies
We're not going to the morgue, are we
Cimmerian Nights said:
I didn't know this guy's name until he died, he was "the Mighty Putty guy" in our house.
That was the funniest ad and best product name he ever hawked.

I also liked the pen that would "erase" scratches in the paint on your car. Too funny.