binaural beats...get high without a bong! not...really.

So far from understood, yet DMT is one of the most illegal substances to own almost anywhere in the western world. Sounds strange to me.

Yet I "ASSUME" it might be for good reason, that drugs that make you think instead of depressants are the ones outlawed. <- This statement does not apply to Methamphetamines, Cocaine, Caffeine, or THC. It does apply, however, to Alcohol, and various other depressants.
Marijuana is also schedule 1, and so are shrooms and LSD, despite being explicitly contradictory to the requirements to become schedule 1. So is MDMA.

FYI, Schedule 1 means that it has no medical value what-so-ever, yet psychiatrist have been confirmed and been backed by the majority of the scientific and health community, over and over again, that they may use mdma, lsd, peyote, psilocybin, and marijuana in various medical ways, such as helping people overcome ptsd, addictions like alcoholism, cure phobias, handle depression, make brain damaged people more receptive to various treatements, help esae pain and in some cases help against cancer, and various other things.

Our countries drug laws are just absurd and out of date.

Ron Paul intends to end the War on Drugs.
Vote for him.
I'm going to.
xdarkyrex said:
It's also commonly assumed that pre-death hallucinations are caused by a release of stored DMT in the brain.
So, it's nice to know that, when you'll have a car accident, your spine and lung are punctured by a steel rod and you are bleeding to death, you can feel all the nice vibes that come with the injuries, as the DMT, that the body uses to cope with, has nil effect as the receptors are already dead.
Jarno Mikkola said:
xdarkyrex said:
It's also commonly assumed that pre-death hallucinations are caused by a release of stored DMT in the brain.
So, it's nice to know that, when you'll have a car accident, your spine and lung are punctured by a steel rod and you are bleeding to death, you can feel all the nice vibes that come with the injuries, as the DMT, that the body uses to cope with, has nil effect as the receptors are already dead.

DMT isn't known for burning out nerve endings.
Actually, the long term damage, if any, is not understood at all.
There are some assumptions that there might not be any, and some speculations say there are no long term or short term effects outside of the hallucinations, due to the fact that your body naturally processes and uses it without ingestion of the active chemical, but that sounds a bit like druggie optimism of an understudied chemical to me.

Meth and mdma are known for burning out nerve endings related to tryptamines, particularly serotonin, but I've never heard of that from this. It's possible what you said could be the case, except that I think you can't really feel pain anymore by the time DMT kicks in anyways, and you start tripping (going into the light). I don't think DMT kicks in in the end to make you cope better, I think it is something more akin to releasing your bowels when hung, haha.

But I'm hardly an expert, just a curious youth who remembers what he has read, so don't take my word for it.
I tried the audio fragments from the Wiki page on some colleagues. Working in a radio station, I'm faced with people that have a higher-than-average sensitivity to sound here - they went nuts!

We were listening to it using professional headphones (Beyerdynamic & Sennheiser), those have very good shielding - both from external influences, as shielding towards the outside.

Our producer was reading a magazine about 7m from us (20 feet), he just said "ok I get it guys" and rushed off. He thought we wanted to annoy him.

Weird effect, I'm going to study this some more... Let's see what effect it has on DJ's...

*evil grin*