Did I not say that a Mormon could not be president, at least this time around?
Colbert is great.
Note that Colbert things that the Mormons shouldn' apologize for polygamy
Which goes to show you Mormons- if you want a party with someone who might respect your faith, you got to go Democrats. After all we got Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Athiests, Rationalists, and lots of hippy New Age - Age of Aquarius wannabes. Even some Pagan chicks who are into freaky sex. Not only can the Democrats embrace the Mormons, but we might even be willing to deal with the whole in-the-closet polygamy thing.
Which might be why Mitch 'Flip-Flop' Romney won big in the states that he lived in.
Which, Mormons, says a lot. YOu take a poll of cracker white Southern Republicans who spend their Saturday Nights burning crosses in front of Black folks, and they'd rather vote for Barrack (ok, so he's really only half black) than a Mormon.
That says a lot.
You can almost hear the angels in the Tabernacle sing-
"All we are saying... Give barrack a chance....."
Satan and Jesus buddies?
This guy-
and that guy
Say it ain't so!
Gnashing their teeth
Feb 21st 2008 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition
The latter-day saints are angry with the Republicans
“POLYGAMY”, the comedian Stephen Colbert quipped, “comes from the Greek ‘poly’ meaning multiple and ‘gamy’, meaning reasons not to vote for Mitt Romney.” Now that the Mormon former governor of Massachusetts has abandoned the race and endorsed John McCain, will the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—an important voting-group in several states—follow his lead?
Colbert is great.
Note that Colbert things that the Mormons shouldn' apologize for polygamy
Utah, the centre of the Mormon universe, preferred George Bush to John Kerry by 46 points in 2004. But Mormons took a beating during Mr Romney's run. In a Pew poll from December, a quarter of Americans and 36% of white evangelicals expressed reservations about voting for one. A study from Vanderbilt University concluded that conservative Christians cited unrelated concerns about Mr Romney to mask their discomfort with his faith.
Which goes to show you Mormons- if you want a party with someone who might respect your faith, you got to go Democrats. After all we got Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Athiests, Rationalists, and lots of hippy New Age - Age of Aquarius wannabes. Even some Pagan chicks who are into freaky sex. Not only can the Democrats embrace the Mormons, but we might even be willing to deal with the whole in-the-closet polygamy thing.
Mormons naturally invested in Mr Romney, donating to his campaign and voting for him in droves: 90% of Utah Republicans plumped for him. Half of Mr Romney's supporters in the Nevada caucuses, which he won convincingly, were from his church.
Which might be why Mitch 'Flip-Flop' Romney won big in the states that he lived in.
Mike Huckabee took Iowa and the South, however, areas filled with evangelicals whom Mr Romney needed to win. “In Utah you could almost hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth,” says Kirk Jowers, head of the University of Utah's Hinckley Institute of Politics. In a poll taken just after Mr Romney left the race, only 30% of Utahns said they would vote for Mr McCain; 25% said they would choose Barack Obama.
Which, Mormons, says a lot. YOu take a poll of cracker white Southern Republicans who spend their Saturday Nights burning crosses in front of Black folks, and they'd rather vote for Barrack (ok, so he's really only half black) than a Mormon.
That says a lot.
Utah's political pundits agree that the conservative state will prefer Mr McCain. But the margin may be smaller as some Romneyites switch sides or stay at home. In other Mormon-rich states, particularly Nevada, which is a swing state, depressed Mormon turnout could hurt Mr McCain a lot more.
You can almost hear the angels in the Tabernacle sing-
"All we are saying... Give barrack a chance....."
Much depends on the Democratic nominee. Hillary Clinton is reviled; Mr Obama is not. Much also depends on Mr McCain's eventual running-mate. Many Mormons believe Mr Huckabee used Mr Romney's faith against him, as when the former Baptist minister asked a reporter “Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?” If Mr Huckabee is on the Republican ticket, there could be a latter-day revolt.
Satan and Jesus buddies?
This guy-
and that guy
Say it ain't so!