Black Steel Diablo?


Night Watchman
Staff member
Lich informed that it's most likely that Black Steel will follow the theme of Diablo:<blockquote>Probably the first official demo of Black Steel will be a large location , which is going to be a remake of Diablo in the world of Fallout. It will be a skirmish game in deep labirynths. The whole game will mainly consist of such locations, and their names will be derived from famous games in this genre, like: Dungeon Master, Black Crypt, etc.
</blockquote>Spotted at SHAMO Fora
Ratty said:
How quaint. What's the mod called? Diablollout? Falliablo?

Falliablo sounds much better than diablollout. But what will the villin be called?

Per said:
And most importantly, will there be succubi?

The real important question, is whether they'd have tattered clothing.

Ratty said:
How quaint. What's the mod called? Diablollout? Falliablo?

DiablOut is more mellodic.

Wild_qwerty said:
But what will the villin be called?

"The Frank Lord"

Or "The Lord of Derrick"
I think project end fast as started but something remains:

-some music
-labirynth level2

End because in this game concept prior thing will be battles, and this is worst Fallout game element. Only working strategy is shoot and escape/hide.

Mod should be extend of best game element- dialogs and quests. Or something more: realistic world, hidden secrets (easter eggs)

Silencer said:
DiablOut is more mellodic.

I think too about that name
Lich said:
I think too about that name

Lich, you do realise that most people aren't waiting to see Diablo in a Fallout setting? Hell, the Fallout engine is turn-based, which isn't suited for a hack'n'slash game because the combat becomes really boring, REALLY fast. Turn-based combat, especially with a pace like that of Fallout, is only suitable for CRPGs that require tactical thinking in combat as well as not requiring much combat at all, like Fallout.

That's what I was trying to tell you when talking about the bad rep Haris has
Half my ideas had bad reputation like magic, manga and W40K in fallout but some of them are good like new poit of view, lot of new graphics (and maybe some other concepts)- its result of large modification experiments with that game. For sure mod will bring something new to game. Only hope that most people will like it :-p