Blackout Announced

It will be interesting to see how this game works out... reminds me a bit of
An online RPG in the form of a reborn MUD? :shock:

Now that sounds appealing to my tastes!

*goes off to recollect about playing MUDs on mIRC for hours a day in middle school*
Looks like fun..

I'm actually looking forward to this one.
Im excited for this too. It actually looks like it has CONTENT. Something 99.9% of modern day games seem to be lacking. I just got done reading the IPLY down the crapper headline as well so this has helped cool me down a little bit.
I'm only 2 decades old, so from my experience i really need some sort of graphical interface to enjoy a game... doesn't even have to be anything fancy, nethack does it, but i simply can't bring myself to play a text based game...
Dude, I'm younger than you and I appreciate text based games. I remember getting on a local BBS just to play text based games. That was only 9-10 years ago. The great thing about text based games is that imagination is a necessity. They're healthy for you. :)

edit: it does have graphics....have you seen the screen shots? And it also uses "good old ASCII" text graphics!

another edit: On a side note, this seems like some great work for a virtually one man team.
Yep, this seems very interesting even though my experience with text games is limitated to some old adventures.

The great thing about text based games is that imagination is a necessity.

True. A text game can create things that you would never be able to see or experience in a graphical one.
The game appears mostly text based, but there are some obvious graphics. They may be static, but thats fine with me. The trick is, will it be more then killing rats for money to buy better weapons to kill bigger rats?
Ahh, this brings me back to my early days of Starkingdoms, Utopia and Earth 2025. Ohh what empires I had.
Hmm.. looks nice.
Some russian developers 2-3 years ago had the same type of project. It was called "Falldown" and took place after the events of Fallout 2. The game was nice (although browser based games are not one of my favorites - usually I don't like them), but the project eventually died.
I'll be damned ..


(I'll regret posting this, but hey .. gotta love some competition !)
Hey! Hey!

That throws me memories back to my C-64 time,
but... Browsergame, that doesn't sounds good to me...
If I trie it, and it's good, all the time will be wasted,
without any chance to avoid it, no, must stay strong,
may not try this one...
This is good news. MUDs may be primitive and outdated, but they still offer roleplaying depth no MMORPG can hope to achieve, and with a good DM, they can be just as engaging as graphical RPGs. That's mainly due to simple technical base, which allows fast and easy implementation of new content. Since technical aspect of MUD is so rudimentary, this type of game appeals only to a small number of people, who are generally mature and interested in roleplaying, as opposed to powergamers who flood even most ambitious MMORPGs.

I myself have never been a passionate MUD player, but throughout my teenage years I was surrounded by them. I have a friend who will be happy when he finds out about Blackout. He almost flunked a year because of MUDs - which wouldn't be so comical if the guy wasn't a science genius who always placed very high in national physics and math competitions. Now, those were the years when internet was extremely expensive in Croatia (hell, it's still pretty expensive, but due to increased life standard, most people can afford it), so MUD addicts like him couldn't afford to spend six hours a day online. That's why he played at SRCE ('Srce' is a Croatian word meaning 'Heart', only in this case it's an abbrevation which stands for University Computer Centre, and it's the first academic ICT institution in Croatia) where high school and college students could come freely, at any time of day or night, and use their LAN. Not only did my friend go there every day after school, as well as on Saturdays, but he also - get this! - used to flee from his house every night, ride to SRCE on his bike, spend the whole night playing MUD, go directly from SRCE to his school in the morning and sleep through the classes all drowsy and exhausted! Talk about addiction!

On second thought, I better NOT tell him about Blackout.
IIRC, Gamedale are the same people (or at least the same label) that made Vault Runner and all those Fallout screenmates really long ago. Fancy seeing they're still alive.
I am officially biting my own ass now.

There goes the dream of creating the first ever grand-scale browser based PA text-based online RPG.

... I still wonder how they solved the map issue and whether they will have quests and NPCs though. Maybe it's yet another arena "RPG".
Maps? Stuff like that can now be linked to a URL specific to that place, if they opt for that. The same thing with example graphics and graphics layers.

Contrary to popular belief, it really isn't that hard to export MUD data by the MUD itself or a grep utility to build HTML or even images from the data, and have that viewable through a browser or through an ASCII-made image or map. There's also programs to scan almost any image into ASCII that comes in handy for many MUD authors without the time nor patience to fiddle with that.
Roshambo said:
Maps? Stuff like that can now be linked to a URL specific to that place, if they opt for that. The same thing with example graphics and graphics layers.

Contrary to popular belief, it really isn't that hard to export MUD data by the MUD itself or a grep utility to build HTML or even images from the data, and have that viewable through a browser or through an ASCII-made image or map. There's also programs to scan almost any image into ASCII that comes in handy for many MUD authors without the time nor patience to fiddle with that.

I figured they circumvented the maps by using a drop down travel system (GAH! I hate that). Except for that it's more like a MUD indeed. Seems like it's not that much of a competition to what I'm working on.

I'd at least hurt someone to get a closer look at their skill system tho.
From the screenshots it looks like it's more of just a database of information hacked together using an interface. And they seem to have pulled sprites out of wherever they can find them. They even have some that look like medieval armor in place of the kevlar vest! Bah. I'll take originality and a working game over something that looks pretty and is rehashed.