Hello, this is my first post on these forums, I signed up because I thought maybe you guys might be able to help.
I'm near the end of the game, this is my first time getting this far and I was getting excited at the prospect of finishing it but a glitch seems to prevent me from doing so.
O.K so I killed the master but I had yet to destroy the vats, so I go to the Military Base and blast my way in and all that. I get in the lift and take myself down to floor 2 then comes to floor 3....every...single...time I go there Tycho is just standing there next to the forcefield in the doorway and I cannot get past him....I managed to defeat the mutants there without him getting killed...but I can't get past him....sometimes when I go back up to try again, he will be at the other forcefield while Ian decides to hang in the lift preventing me from getting anywhere so I have to load a back up save.
I have tried standing in the corner in effort to make him run out of the way (Only Dogmeat seems to move in the little room) but that doesn't work. I have tried moving around myself in effort to make them follow...it doesnt work. I have moved floors and gone back down, it doesn't work. I have left the building and gone back, it doesn't work. I have left the map altogether and gone into the world map, then come back and still nothing. I have quit to main menu and gone back in and even quit the game and neither work. I have tried other back up saves but nothing.
Does anybody know why on earth Tycho wants to be an obstacle in my progress to finishing the game properly? It's really annoying, I've taken a fair bit of aggro getting this far, with some other glitches, and just general difficulty and it's a real big kick in the teeth to be blocked every single time from leaving the damn lift.
I am thankful for any possible help on the matter. It's driving me up the wall.
I'm near the end of the game, this is my first time getting this far and I was getting excited at the prospect of finishing it but a glitch seems to prevent me from doing so.
O.K so I killed the master but I had yet to destroy the vats, so I go to the Military Base and blast my way in and all that. I get in the lift and take myself down to floor 2 then comes to floor 3....every...single...time I go there Tycho is just standing there next to the forcefield in the doorway and I cannot get past him....I managed to defeat the mutants there without him getting killed...but I can't get past him....sometimes when I go back up to try again, he will be at the other forcefield while Ian decides to hang in the lift preventing me from getting anywhere so I have to load a back up save.
I have tried standing in the corner in effort to make him run out of the way (Only Dogmeat seems to move in the little room) but that doesn't work. I have tried moving around myself in effort to make them follow...it doesnt work. I have moved floors and gone back down, it doesn't work. I have left the building and gone back, it doesn't work. I have left the map altogether and gone into the world map, then come back and still nothing. I have quit to main menu and gone back in and even quit the game and neither work. I have tried other back up saves but nothing.
Does anybody know why on earth Tycho wants to be an obstacle in my progress to finishing the game properly? It's really annoying, I've taken a fair bit of aggro getting this far, with some other glitches, and just general difficulty and it's a real big kick in the teeth to be blocked every single time from leaving the damn lift.
I am thankful for any possible help on the matter. It's driving me up the wall.