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  • RE: the Boris track you liked - you mentioned it reminded you of Quake II. Though you probably know Nine Inch Nails (Quake's s/t), you might like Coil, who made relevant if somewhat different works. NIN and others involved in that musical scene were certainly chummy with them. Scatology and The Ape Of Naples are good starting points, if you don't know them. :)
    If you give me your Steam page I can friend you and if we're on at the same time I'll join you for Dota2. Keep in mind I have a fickle history of playing it (played six months then felt I played all the characters I was interested in and played enough ranked to know what my best is then quit for over a year and came back to try the new characters).

    Mine is /76561197979214117/ .

    The Vault Dweller


    My current MMR is 3,100.
    SnapSlav, I always do names in bold when I respond to someone. It is an indication that the message is intended mostly for them.
    There is no other meaning behind it.
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