Bloggers put to death?


Antediluvian as Feck
This might just be spinned media hype, I have no idea, I bet there are more savvy people on these boards who could enlighten me. But


????? Seriously? Are they actually going to kill bloggers who criticize the state? If true, I don't know which is worse; that they're trying to beat the Internet, something Tom Cruise with all his money has already failed at, or that they're actually letting old virgins with a mental state that belongs in the Dark ages make decisions that affect other people.

Please, someone clarify this.
victor said:
or that they're actually letting old virgins with a mental state that belongs in the Dark ages make decisions that affect other people.

I am going to go with this one.

All the same I will await clarification as well. Pretty crazy stuff.
Normally.. I don't touch shayt like this, but... as an ex-journalist I would say.. hype.

She said:
In July, last year, the Country's Parliament approved a bill that would make it a crime to publish web blogs, and sites that encourage corruption, prostitution, and apostasies, or conversion of Islam.

It is now up to the twelve member Guardian Council to prove the proposal.


The Iranian leadership believe that a threat of death, as a punishment for blogging abuses, may be the only way to control this modern phenomena.

Keep in mind: ~they play in a different part of the Jungle! Having said that, it's back to celibacy (such shyte related).
Seriously? Are they actually going to kill bloggers who criticize the state? If true, I don't know which is worse; that they're trying to beat the Internet, something Tom Cruise with all his money has already failed at, or that they're actually letting old virgins with a mental state that belongs in the Dark ages make decisions that affect other people.

There were times in my country when you would get hard time for saying the wrong things or the bullet for writing something 'offensive'. So this happening in Iran doesn't seem surprising.
I guess political decisions are a slow process, even for imams.

Besides, it's not really the actual decision... It's the fact that they're actually proposing it. You know, like an actual moral standpoint. I don't even see why we keep diplomatic relations with these people, other than because of Russia and general world political balance. If it was up to me I would use my power to nuke the Vatican, Jerusalem and Mecca. No more holy places, less to bicker about. I know that's a ridiculous standpoint, but it's the first thing that goes through my mind when I see things like this. I mean, we put dogs and animals to death.

Where do you live, Blakut? Eastern Europe?

you actually think they're virgins? haha, oho, wow.

Raping little boys doesn't really count, does it now?
Unno said:
Keep in mind: ~they play in a different part of the Jungle! Having said that, it's back to celibacy (such shyte related).

Pretty much. And stuff like this is not new exactly - Internet in China is quite strictly regulated as well.

Although, the article is probably overblown as hell. Many journalists probably couldn't wait to scream "oh shitz they're killing people for internet and there's not freedom of speech etcetc". At least, hopefully the US gov't doesn't decide to suddenly bomb them for it.
One should not forget the cultural difference between nations that never had a evolution in the religion similar to europe. Not meant offensive of course. But here particularly in central europe situations like the thirty years' war, French and German revolution changed over time the mind of the people. A process that took almost 500 years. Other nations and religions did not had this kind of process and thus evolved in a different direction so people feel most of the time "fine" with the restrictions they face cause they grow up with it. Things cant change over night. Well not without violance that for sure.