Bodycount, FO2

El Chupacabra

It Wandered In From the Wastes
I was just wondering if there is a limit of enemies to kill with one burst/shot or whatever? I mean, when they align in that "special way" and they are not too strong, a Bozar burst can reduce a group of bad guys by 3-4 or such. Maybe there is some kind of record to brake?
OMG! It's... the Nocturnal Goatsucker! :wink:

Don't know about max bodycounts with one burst/one shot, though.

I once had a max of three dead guys with the Bozar, in one go (and with the right perks). Felt great. :P
alec said:
OMG! It's... the Nocturnal Goatsucker! :wink:

Usually you hit 2-3 I think.But one time I did over 1000 dmg with a burst?!How is that possible?Did I hit critical on most of the bullets?The Fallout_PnP_2_0 book states that you cant do more than one critical hit in a burst.So?
Daron said:
Usually you hit 2-3 I think.But one time I did over 1000 dmg with a burst?!How is that possible?Did I hit critical on most of the bullets?The Fallout_PnP_2_0 book states that you cant do more than one critical hit in a burst.So?
The PnP rules are not relevent to the games. If I'm not mistaken, you can potentially get a critical from every bullet.
Just for the record, there is apparently no functional limit to how many critters you can kill with one trigger pull, although I believe bullets are tracked individually so It's safe to assume that the amount fired in a burst is the max body count for the attack. On the other hand, about 10 minutes ago I fired a rocket into a pack of mantis and wiped them out at one go.
Lord 342 said:
On the other hand, about 10 minutes ago I fired a rocket into a pack of mantis and wiped them out at one go.
The rockets are splash damage, so the limit is how many critters can stand in the target area. As Fallout uses hexes, this would be a limit of 7 critters (I think the explosion is this size).
The theoretical limit for number of kills is the number of bullets fired (40 is the most fired for any burst shot in the game), but it's pretty unlikely that each bullet would hit a separate enemy and that each would cause a critical good enough to kill. There is also the problem of whether or no you could fit 40 critters into the area covered by the minigun's range.