Bonefire recreational flamethrower

I am not impressed. It's just for show. Flamethrowers need to set fire to the things they touch not through the heat of the flame, but through impregnating the target with unlit fuel and then making it burn.

It is a nice effect though.
What a waste of propane. :(

Also: what Blakut said. The person who uses this "flamethrower" is more likely to set his own hair on fire than anything else.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Would that be categorised as a weapon? Home defence with that would be awesome lol...
home defense? i think that would fall under arson, actually.
It's not a flamethrower, it's a blowtorch.

As said above, real flamethrowers are about dispensing flammable material and setting THAT on fire rather than just spouting burning gas.
Could be a cool thing to use at a metal concert for a starting band. Then again, there's probabaly stuff out there that is cheaper and less dangerous..
It's meant to be an artistic thing, not a real flamethrower.

Stop criticizing giraffes for having long necks.
Mikael Grizzly said:
It's meant to be an artistic thing, not a real flamethrower.

Stop criticizing giraffes for having long necks.

Hahaha. Good one. Giraffes.....

Pretty cool flamethrower though. Guy looks kinda like a pedophile though.