BOS: Well, at LEAST they let me...

Kadu said:
To what point do I need to explain myself to you? You are asking a question that you don't even want an answer to. On what merit are you basing YOUR claim on? Who are YOU to say what is and what isn't Fallout?

Uh oh.

Hopefully for you he may not be inclined to reply to your comments.

Who is Rosh to say what is and isn't Fallout, much less anyone who is an active poster here, is truly the most assinine question you could have asked.

I play Fallout 1 & 2 regularly, and have ever since they came out. Even when I didn't own a PC, I would find a place to play it somewhere. So far I've played every game except for Tactics, and 75% of the mods I know of. BOS isn't Fallout, period. It just so happens that IPLY included some of the weapons, items, and characters from the series, but nothing else is remotely similar. Even when they called it the same thing as it was in the CRPG series we all know and love.

BTW if you really want this thread to die, don't reply with another comment on how (insert term) we are. And don't call anyone here an imbecile, especially Rosh.
I play Fallout 1 & 2 regularly

So do I. Neither I or anyone else here had direct involvement in the creation of Fallout, yet we all seem to have this piece of knowledge stuck in our heads on what it should and shouldn't be. Remember Wasteland? I doubt any of you are old enough to remember that one. Granted it was not the same thing, but how are we to know THAT wasn't the idea behind what Fallout really is? We only know what we play and what we see, not the meaning, the focus statement behind it all or why they even decided to do it in the first place. I know nothing. *We* know nothing. You can't even begin to explain the thought process behind it. What you know is that you liked Fallout and most of you are dying to defend it just like the other half are dying to defend Brotherhood of Steel. I'm on no side, I enjoy both games. I'm not going to get involved in this tainted love triangle that all of you are so eager to ride to the end.

And spare me the history behind your gaming. It's already obvious everyone here likes Fallout and has been a fan for a long time. I don't need you to give me a play by play of your wet dream.

BTW if you really want this thread to die, don't reply with another comment on how (insert term) we are. And don't call anyone here an imbecile, especially Rosh.

Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the impression we were all free to slap insults in any direction we wanted to. It at least seemed that way when everyone opened up on me with -

Yep. When the moron realizes that nobody is on his side he yells

Even your nick makes me want to put my fingers in my throat and puke your ass goodbye! Now you go sit ON TOP of your controller, you put that stick right up where you like it best and you go vibrating for all I care!

The single driving issue here is that you brought yourself seeming like a prime individual to play FOBOS (ie moron)

Fuck F:BOS, and the assholes who made it, and the stupid jokes made by stupid people about it.

I don't hold grudges, but in no way am I going to apologize to people who they themselves won't make the fucking effort to either. I am not a bad guy, but I can be an asshole just as good as the next man. Rosh, you may be the "badass" around here, but I'm not going to stand by and take shit from you or anyone else who seems to have a problem because of the ONLY reason this post was started. *I* thought the part with Ruby was funny, *I* think this game isn't half as bad as you are all making it out to be, and I most certainly respect everyone's "half-assed" opinion about this game. Remember, I didn't start this fight - EVERYONE else did. Take your cliche "asinine" and say what you damn well meant to say. You think I'm a fucking idiot. Fair enough, I don't think that much highly of most of you and THAT my friends, is the closest thing to an apology you will get from me.

Take it or leave it, but I'm through arguing over this. By far the most insightful phrase used in this whole affair was by Mad Larkin.

Lets drop the whole fucking affair. It ain't worth starting a flamefest over.

Let it die and go on with your lives. You're beating a dead horse.
Kadu said:
On what merit are you basing that half-ass claim with?

To what point do I need to explain myself to you?

Well, you're the one who said this was the absolute closest to Fallout that we'd see for a long time. I'm just wondering how stupid you can be to claim such when neither the setting nor mechanics fit into what Fallout was in any shape or form. In fact, Arcanum has more to do with Fallout than F:POS, mainly because of construction style and the gameplay it offers. Since F:POS' devs didn't care to stick to the setting that much, then what festering inbred lobe of your brain did you cook up your claim with?

You are asking a question that you don't even want an answer to.

That's mouth stuffing, and you just earned the apropos award. Enjoy, moron.

On what merit are you basing YOUR claim on? Who are YOU to say what is and what isn't Fallout? Actually, I don't want an answer to that either. You can take both of these pointless questions and shove them up your ass. Arguing over shit like this will get us no where. I have my opinions and so do you.

Goody, more fun.

How about we drop this thread? Obviously no one wants to know the answer and this thread continues to show how all of us are fucking imbecile's for still crying over it.

"Look, I got caught spewing shit and I'd like for it to go away." Tough shit, kid.

So do I. Neither I or anyone else here had direct involvement in the creation of Fallout, yet we all seem to have this piece of knowledge stuck in our heads on what it should and shouldn't be.

Funny, I thought Tim Cain and others were registered on this forum.

Remember Wasteland? I doubt any of you are old enough to remember that one.

I'm both old enough for that one, I also am old enough to remember buying Wasteland when it came out as well. I'm also quite likely old enough to have been your father, but I'm thankful I am not and I can commiserate with your parents on how such a genetic throwback occurred to them. I'm not surprised you're stupid enough to post the above and then completely miss the F:POS of the Wasteland setting, Fountain of Dreams. Did they say "Remember Fountain of Dreams?" Not really, because the game was ass and was nowhere near the quality nor setting of Wasteland.

Granted it was not the same thing, but how are we to know THAT wasn't the idea behind what Fallout really is? We only know what we play and what we see, not the meaning, the focus statement behind it all or why they even decided to do it in the first place. I know nothing. *We* know nothing. You can't even begin to explain the thought process behind it. What you know is that you liked Fallout and most of you are dying to defend it just like the other half are dying to defend Brotherhood of Steel.

Now this points out what kind of truly dumb piece of inbred hick shit you are. Please don't breed and please don't claim to be at a university, as you're far too...oh, wait. UAT means barely more than a third-rate community college to others if you drop out (although many don't put much stock into them because they have taught some bad habits into some parts of the new kids in the industry). That...suits you, I see.

You may want to revise "we" from the above quoted bit, as you're the clueless shit. Correction, a presumptuous clueless shit. You see, we have developers post here on occasion, sometimes a bit more frequently, and it may surprise such a spoiled little child as yourself that in being one of the oldest and largest Fallout fan sites that we would have regular contact with developers and people of note, many of which have given us the design focus and many other pertinent aspects of the setting and game style. I also have experience with game design and I can easily tell the composition of a game. It's not too far from being able to read a book, and it doesn't surprise me that you're too much of a bumblefuck to put THAT together, either.

EDIT: More on Kadu.

Holy fuck, kid, you are dense!

Not only do you do this shit, but you go to other forums and post sniveling shit, and on a hosted forum as well, whilst claiming to have been a fan of NMA for some time. That's...unbelievable to an extreme. If you had been here for a time, then you would understand that netiquette is observed here and attention whoring via crossposting wouldn't be too welcome. Not just once, but twice. You also didn't bother to introduce yourself to The Order when you posted there those two times, instead whoring for attention once and asking for help another time. All without introducing yourself. Do you happen to be sentient enough to notice the "community" there in their forum description? Are you having too many mental difficulties figuring out how a dictionary works to look that up? Perhaps you really are that dense, as I would hardly expect any community to really welcome someone who attention whores in one thread, then begs for help in another, all both at random and from some chucklehead who doesn't think enough of the community to bother introducing themselves and expects them to help.

Good luck in your education to become an Arizona equivalent of an Ole Miss grad (and the way you get them off of your front porch is to pay them for the pizza).
Kadu said:
And spare me the history behind your gaming. It's already obvious everyone here likes Fallout and has been a fan for a long time. I don't need you to give me a play by play of your wet dream.

I was justifying my place to say what is and isn't Fallout in my opinion genius. I'm not a member of the Order, a Fallout clan, for being a casual Fallout gamer.

Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the impression we were all free to slap insults in any direction we wanted to. It at least seemed that way when everyone opened up on me with -

You posted what we call flame bait. If you don't understand the term, I refer you to the vats, where there are examples of those who have thought they were going to be funny and post retarded comments of one sort or another.

I don't hold grudges,

I do.

*I* think this game isn't half as bad as you are all making it out to be, and I most certainly respect everyone's "half-assed" opinion about this game.

I tried to be objective playing this game, and guess what. I found very little was enjoyable. "half-assed" maybe, but some people that post here are game developers and/or reviewers.

Remember, I didn't start this fight - EVERYONE else did. Take your cliche "asinine" and say what you damn well meant to say. You think I'm a fucking idiot.

Cliche? Maybe in your circle of friends that don't know the definition of the word. If I thought you were an idiot, I would have called you one.

Fair enough, I don't think that much highly of most of you and THAT my friends, is the closest thing to an apology you will get from me.

Fine by me. It might be in your best interest if you want to stay, to actually apologize though.

Take it or leave it, but I'm through arguing over this. By far the most insightful phrase used in this whole affair was by Mad Larkin.

Lets drop the whole fucking affair. It ain't worth starting a flamefest over.

I didn't post flame bait, you did. I'm just posting what I think, and replying to your attacks on me. I would have dropped it, but you actually tried to defend your unwelcome comments by attacking everyone.
Dove said:
I didn't post flame bait, you did. I'm just posting what I think, and replying to your attacks on me. I would have dropped it, but you actually tried to defend your unwelcome comments by attacking everyone.

No kidding. And I was being polite, especially by saying the claim was just half-ass, not an ad hominem remark. Screw it, he can have that av until I find something a bit more funny.
This is retarded. I'm just doing what everyone else is doing. It's funny when you catch yourself saying something, but then coming back just to see what someone else says next so you can post that new response on a different topic flaming a different person for obvious reasons. This is bullshit.

Everyone here is right, I did post something sarcastic and obviously no one liked it. I defended myself just like any of you would, but no one stops because there is always that part of someone that doesn't want to admit you are or were wrong for something that is by far the stupidest thing I've seen happen on this board. I've said dumb shit, only because I feel its my right to do the same thing you were doing to me. I am admitting I was wrong.

I respect your opinions, I respect your flaming posts of me, I respect Roshambo for being the biggest asshole in the world (BTW, thanks for the Avatar) who has a duty to stop people like me. Up until now I WAS going to post something stupid until I did figure out I was taking this to far.

Every here who had to listen to this, I apologize. If not for your sake, but for mine. I know mistakes, but not everyone has an idea of what they are doing wrong until it's to late. Flaming you won't get me anywhere and coming back to hear you flaming me will only make me do what I didn't want to do in the first place.

Roshambo, if you have something to say about UAT, we can take this elsewhere. By no means is UAT anything you said it was. That I can argue over for as long as you want. I enjoy going there. The people are everything. I think everyone would be surprised if they were to meet the real me outside of this website, I'm nothing like I've made myself out to be and the people I've met at UAT are by far the nicest people I think I will ever meet.

As for everyone else, I'm sorry and I'm leaving.
wasn't the Arizona quarter designed at UAT?

I heard it's been recalled due to the fact that it seems to jam coin operated machines, such as pay phones and soft drink machines.
Yeah, it seems that the duct tape used to hold the two dimes and the nickel together is the problem.


btw i too am old enough to remember wastekabd coming out, i too bought it. So please do "grow up me" son.

on a serious not, Kadu, feel free to stay, learn to know the people around here, we'Re really a good gang.
You just happened to hit on one of the two "bad subject" ie: liking BOS (which you are entitled) and FO online.

Anyway, your call...
Lemme guess...

You went to Paladin Solo's high school?

Great job deleting your posts, fuckhead. If that's not covering up for your stupidity, then I must be a moron. Being a student in one of the top engineering programs in North America, I highly doubt that's the case either.

Damn community college artsies...
Roshambo said:
No kidding. And I was being polite, especially by saying the claim was just half-ass, not an ad hominem remark. Screw it, he can have that av until I find something a bit more funny.





How about one of these?
I *was* deleting the posts from furthering my stupidity. If you would rather I kept this up, I can always do that. I wrote them, saw what I did and deleted them right after to keep this from going on and just decided to apologize. If you can't take that for what its worth, then fine.

UAT isn't a Community College, either. You are taking this beyond what the original posts intent was. Direct your flames at me and not the school I am going to.

Dove, I personally like the two dancers. Set me up with that one.

Being a student in one of the top engineering programs in North America

I wouldn't doubt that statement either.
We all come around to thinking a little bit smarter after Roshambo drop kicks us and throws us down the stairs. I hope he knows that I hold no ill will towards him, at all.

Oh yeah, by the way... that $20 copy of Metroid Fusion (kind of the Fallout Tactics of the Metroid line, seeing as how there is little to no sequence breaking, something that is huge in that fanbase) I bought and was able to play on that GBA I got? Yeah, totally better than BoS.
I can't do it, I'm not an admin. Ask Rosh very nicely and he might consider it. I posted them as suggestions for him, it's all in his hands.
Yeesh, ease up on community colleges. They're not only for slackers, but also for people who dropped out and are trying to get some level of education.

I, of course, am a slacker. Fallout murdered my GPA with burst-fire from a super-mutant's minigun.