Bourgeoisie upgraded


This is Mikael Grizzly, reporting live from Pearl of the Wastelands webpage. intoxicate informs of a milestone in Pearl's development:<blockquote>Today, thanks to funds raised by the Team and help from mr Marcin Zygmunt we were able to buy Torque Shade Engine (TSE). It's an upgrade of the Torque Game Engine (TGE) which expands the capabilities of it's predecessor. Thanks to TSE Bourgeoisie will become even more realistic, and her graphics upgraded. Also thanks to TSE our everlasting problem with Terrain and Interiors will become extinct. More info available here!



This is Mikael Grizzly, reporting for NMA News, thank you intoxicate.
Ehehehe, lay of the reporting melodrama, will ya, Mike ;)

Other than that, good job. Bit unclear on why you linked back to the polish newsforum
Nice pics!

Are they of Bourgeousie, or demos that came with the engine?
I'd like to see demos-of-Bourgeousie pics tough, to see how much can they squeze from this engine.
Yeah, that's some nice pics! Should be great to have that level of detail when the camera's zoomed out (fallout stylee)..
Hmm, that snowy landscape pic somehow reminds me of Evil Islands game. I doubt these 2 have anything in common, but that pic was bugging me for a while and I just noticed why :P
Silencer, i told you that English news will be in couple of days in english section...
i post news right now,18 - this is link for news, can you Mikael edit in news? be gratefull...

Are they of Bourgeousie, or demos that came with the engine?
No, they are from TSE. Our Programmers are on trip, and i have 2 weeks to analise new engine, and make some doc's...
New screenshots of our game will be great, but you will have wait for it long time i think...
Finaly i got this interview translated (with Piotr Kilanowski - our game world coordinator)
If you wanna some info read it :) (there is some information about game world),18,35

// thanks Mikael for translation!

Quote from interview
You also take care of Bourgeoisie's world map. Can you tell our readers, how large is it going to be? And what the terrain features of the map would be?

The World of Bourgeoisie is humongous. Its width is similiar to that of Fallout Tactics, ca. 2200km. It's height is not small also, being 1800 km. If I had to tell which points mark the edges of the map, I'd say it;s Erfurt, Vienna, Talin and Charkow. The size and terrain it contains, ensure that the gamer will encounter pretty much all existing kinds of terrain. There are plains, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas... everything. The climate is also very diverse. We have everything, from barren nuclear wastes, where temperature never falls below 20 degrees, to the great glacier in the north, where players won't survive, unless they are wearing special suits.