Bourgeoisie's got something for you


Night Watchman
Staff member
We've got news from the Bourgeoisie project boss intoxicate:<blockquote>We are happy to announce that there are some new files. Go ahead and see them:
The World (where one can read stories about the Bourgeoise world, often acutalized), Characters, The Graphics (where one can get information about new graphics), The Gallery (we added lots of new concepts and screenshots), The Interviews (we added some new interviews that are worthy of reading)
Just a few more days ande we're starting regular news updates on the English section of the page.
The problems we had were caused by the new news system on the
Please, be patient.</blockquote>Link: Bourgeoisie English Section
ZeD is Bourgeoisie's old engine, so the actual game is going to look something totally different.
Silencer said:
ZeD is Bourgeoisie's old engine, so the actual game is going to look something totally different.

So ZeD is dead, eh? :wiggle:

What's wrong with that ZeD engine, anyway? I for one really like those screenshots, especially the one with the gate and the weird looking mamal. Plus: isn't that new 3D engine expensive?

Is ZeD a hybrid engine, part 2D and part 3D? 'Cause that's how it looks to me.
So ZeD is dead, eh?
Yea, Zed is dead..., zed id dead :P

What's wrong with that ZeD engine, anyway? I for one really like those screenshots, especially the one with the gate and the weird looking mamal.
This post will be translated by Master_Of_Flamaster (chyba ze Silencer sie nudzi ;) )
Wiesz... jezeli mielibymy uzywac Zeda, to Burzuazja wyszla by rok pozniej niz oczekujemy. Uzywajac nowego silnika jestesmy rok do przodu. Oczywiscie nauka silnika jest ogromnym wyzwaniem, ale mniejszym niz skonczenie Zeda (zed byl we w sredniej fazie projektowania)
Badajac rynek i tworzoac wlasne analizy, zdecydowalismy sie na komercyjny silnik. Zapewniam, ze ta decyzja byla przemyslana pod wzgledem techicznym jak i marketingowym.

isn't that new 3D engine expensive?
For us, people in Poland it's... but we have it.
Teraz bedziemy potrzebowac pieniedzy na inne licencje, wiec prawdopodobnie odpalimy paypall na naszej stronie, byscie mogli nas wspomoc.

Is ZeD a hybrid engine, part 2D and part 3D? 'Cause that's how it looks to me.
Tak, postacie, jak i obiekty o malej ilosci poly sa w 3d, a reszta to sprajty. Terrain to tile.
What the heck, I can translate it too!

Wiesz... jezeli mielibymy uzywac Zeda, to Burzuazja wyszla by rok pozniej niz oczekujemy. Uzywajac nowego silnika jestesmy rok do przodu. Oczywiscie nauka silnika jest ogromnym wyzwaniem, ale mniejszym niz skonczenie Zeda (zed byl we w sredniej fazie projektowania)
Badajac rynek i tworzoac wlasne analizy, zdecydowalismy sie na komercyjny silnik. Zapewniam, ze ta decyzja byla przemyslana pod wzgledem techicznym jak i marketingowym.

If we were supposed to use ZeD, Bourgeoisie would take about a year more to finish then what we're currently expecting. So using the new engine (it's called torque right? -Zajc) means it'll be out a year sooner. Of course learning the new engine is a great challange, but not as great as finishing Zed (zed was still in early phaze of development).
By reserching and analyzing the market we made a decission to swich to a new, commercial engine. I assure you we gave this a lot of though, both technically and market-wise.
Teraz bedziemy potrzebowac pieniedzy na inne licencje, wiec prawdopodobnie odpalimy paypall na naszej stronie, byscie mogli nas wspomoc.
Now we're gonna need money for other licenses, so we'll propably gonna start a paypal account, so you guys will be able to help us out.
Tak, postacie, jak i obiekty o malej ilosci poly sa w 3d, a reszta to sprajty. Terrain to tile.
Yes, characters as well as low polygon count objects are 3d, rest is sprites. Terrein is tile.