Silencer said:Anyway, as Per's guide mentioned, you can sometimes wind up with different combinations of resistances or even gain no resistance at all, and nobofdy knows why.
Silencer said:Finally, if you enter with no gloves on, you'll gain exactly fucko' !
Per said:an ad hoc thingy
Per said:It seems safe to say it's a thingy, then.
By the way, feel free to look through the Stuart Little/Prizefighter/New Reno scripts for the exact point where something gets called that looks like damage resistances being applied. I've been at it several times but never found a good candidate.
dude_obj said:It's safely hidden in the newreno.h header file ....
end else if (fight_level == 4) then begin give_xp(EXP_NEW_RENO_BOXER_LEVEL_4);
inc_reno_rep(REP_NEW_RENO_BOXER_LEVEL_4); critter_mod_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_UNARMED_COMBAT, 5);
global_temp := get_critter_stat(dude_obj, STAT_dmg_resist) + 5; set_critter_stat(dude_obj, STAT_dmg_resist, global_temp);set_global_var(GVAR_NEW_RENO_HAS_REP_PRIZEFIGHTER, 1);
Per said:Nope, that's what happens at the end of fight four and fails to modify your dam resist.
Per said:We're looking for something that happens at the beginning of every fight, remember?