Boy Bomber

He was then forced to strip off the rest of his clothing before being arrested by the soldiers.

Yeah, he was wearing white shorts.
Uhm... brown shorts, right. :twisted:
Oh my god... it CANNOT be religiously correct to send out boys that don't know what they are carrying or doing to sacrifice themselves... That's just sooo immoral!
What can I say, they just don't make suicide bombers like they used to :twisted:. And it takes time to grow one, so they might be in the middle of some sort of recruitment crisis ... what did they expect? The casualty count among their own recruits is not helping.... :roll:
Then again I guess amateurs can be found in every trade, craft and occupation, why wold terrorism be much different?
Mabye they weren't expecting child bombers? Perhaps they should pack a doll with explosives and leave it in a pram somewhere LOL :twisted:
megatron said:
Mabye they weren't expecting child bombers? Perhaps they should pack a doll with explosives and leave it in a pram somewhere LOL :twisted:

That would be original :)
Or put a bomb inside a big comedy bomb. they would never suspect that..

Seriously though, The use of people as bombs is appearing to be becoming more popular (whether or not it is i dont know). But how do you find these people who are willing to blow themselves up for a cause. they must realy strongly beleive in what they are doing, or they have some realy good persuaders.
Or be extremely stupid, religion-amphetaminized, suicidary flying sheep.
they must realy strongly beleive in what they are doing, or they have some realy good persuaders.
Well, they did say the boy was mentally retarded and had no idea he was carrying it. The sad thing was that if he didn't stop, there would have been international outcry against the soldiers shooting a retarded kid, especially if the bomb vest was fake. Hrmm, theres an idea...
I still don't get this whole suicide bombers thing. Why don't they just place the bomb with a fuse and leave? Dumb. Go be a martyr some other time, will ya?
Baboon said:
I still don't get this whole suicide bombers thing. Why don't they just place the bomb with a fuse and leave? Dumb. Go be a martyr some other time, will ya?
I think I read somewhere that suicide bombing inflicts much higher casualty count than any other terrorist method. It sorta makes sense if you think of them as low tech stealth precision guided missiles. Maybe a fuse is too obvious, and they don't have the technology to spare for remote detonation...
Yes but won't they be much more of a martyr if they first blow up a few places without dying, and then do a final suicide run with tons of explosives? More effective IMO.

As for the hard to detect part, you could easily hide some plastic explosives inside a cereal box for instance, and put it inside a supermarket. And put the timer to a few minutes, time enough to get out of the store. You don't need remote detonation for that.
Recruiting children to be weapons in a war. As if war couldn't be anymore degrading and unmortal they move up to this. These things just make me sick. :x
Pyromaniac619 said:
Recruiting children to be weapons in a war. As if war couldn't be anymore degrading and unmortal they move up to this. These things just make me sick. :x

Well thanks for the information Pyro. I'll file you and your replies away in case we ever need a replacement for pipshit.
Well thanks for the information Pyro. I'll file you and your replies away in case we ever need a replacement for pipshit.

Thanx man! It would be pretty fucking sweet to be a replacement for pipshit. Pipshit ROCKS!!!!! All hail pipshit.

Oh and Murdoch - Fuck you.