Branded a Terrorizer

Mr Damsky

First time out of the vault
So I've been branded a terrorist by the NCR. However, as the game is so clearly biased as to being forced to have an ending for the NCR (the majority of cities/bases/quests are all from the NCR) I need to find a way to get around that so I can reap obscene profits from their merchants.

Now, as Caesar's mightiest soldier I ambushed an NCR Ranger Veteran Patrol and took their armor. I thought this would be a good enough disguise to still be able to do the NCR quests or at the very least get into their bases and deal with their merchants.

I was wrong, while approaching Helios One (admittedly at low health) several shots ran out and one blew my face clean off.

So can anyone here help?
Mr Damsky said:
So I've been branded a terrorist by the NCR. However, as the game is so clearly biased as to being forced to have an ending for the NCR (the majority of cities/bases/quests are all from the NCR) I need to find a way to get around that so I can reap obscene profits from their merchants.

I can't figure out what this statement is supposed to mean. You lack friendly merchants?

Anyway, disguises should work but stay away from sniffers (rangers and the like) and note that putting on a disguise does not mean that people who were already hostile towards you become friendly. I think their hostility resets in a day or so but I might be wrong.
Not so much, whenever I'm short of caps I merely travel to Mojave Outpost and take beat Lacey in Caravan (nets me around 3000 caps if I do it right).

Obviously that's a bit of a problem now. D:
Added to the fact I got all the Ammo I couldn't get from the Gun Runners from Contreras. And now I can't do the I Put a Spell on You quest because Curtis shoots me on sight