Breaking Bad


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I figured this was worthy of its own thread. I started watching when the pilot premiered and I was only in 6th grade at the time (waaay to young, shouldn't have been watching, but sure glad I did). I've been watching ever since then, but I'm 17 now. It's probably one of the best written (and all around) TV series I've watched.
I have no idea dude...but that's what I love about the show. Never predictable, so we can only imagine
It's a great show, but I am happy when it has ended. Many good shows are later ruined because they are simply too long. So yeah, I am awaiting the season final now and I am tensed how everything will end.
Lexx said:
It's a great show, but I am happy when it has ended. Many good shows are later ruined because they are simply too long. So yeah, I am awaiting the season final now and I am tensed how everything will end.
Very true. It's time for it to end. It's really never been quite as good as the first couple of seasons anyway, IMO.
UniversalWolf said:
Very true. It's time for it to end. It's really never been quite as good as the first couple of seasons anyway, IMO.
I think it dipped a little in the past two seasons, but this one's been very strong so far.
I believe AMC is owned by the chinese if I'm not mistaken. On top of Breaking Bad, they also have Walking Dead in their catalog. Their basically Bethseda but TV (elder scrolls+fallout) IMO.

Scratch that, chinese own AMC cinema... Idk if thats the same or some generic movie chain.
I hated the cliffhanger in the last episode, by the way. It pissed me off a lot.
Lexx said:
I hated the cliffhanger in the last episode, by the way. It pissed me off a lot.
Heh, I agree completely. I was really disappointed by that. My least favorite moment of the entire series so far.
Sicblades said:
What cliffhanger? There was no situation where that would have ended well.
At the end of the show not one person had even been hit by a bullet, as far as I could see. That was pretty weak.

I freely admit they followed it up with the best episode in a long time, though. It's always nice to cut to the chase.
UniversalWolf said:
At the end of the show not one person had even been hit by a bullet, as far as I could see. That was pretty weak..

What's such a big problem with that?
They deliberately didn't show any wounding during the shooting to keep the suspension, and it's just begun.

What I find a bit weird, though, is the location of Gomez' body in the last episode. He was hiding behind a truck, IIRC, and now his body seems to be a good length away from it. Or it could just be that I got it wrong.
Atomkilla said:
They deliberately didn't show any wounding during the shooting to keep the suspension...
That's the problem. It was so deliberate it was artificial. I would have preferred if the episode had ended before the shooting began, or after everyone got killed. Besides, shootouts always seem fake when there are hundreds of rounds flying and nobody gets hit.
Atomkilla said:
UniversalWolf said:
At the end of the show not one person had even been hit by a bullet, as far as I could see. That was pretty weak..

What's such a big problem with that?
They deliberately didn't show any wounding during the shooting to keep the suspension, and it's just begun.

What I find a bit weird, though, is the location of Gomez' body in the last episode. He was hiding behind a truck, IIRC, and now his body seems to be a good length away from it. Or it could just be that I got it wrong.

You're not alone, I felt the same way about Gomez.
UniversalWolf said:
Atomkilla said:
They deliberately didn't show any wounding during the shooting to keep the suspension...
That's the problem. It was so deliberate it was artificial. I would have preferred if the episode had ended before the shooting began, or after everyone got killed. Besides, shootouts always seem fake when there are hundreds of rounds flying and nobody gets hit.

Okay, I see your point there.
The shooting did seem a bit unreal, especially after that mustached Nazi opened fire with his automatic, but they were on a relatively higher ground, with Hank and Gomez having a better position because of their angle behind the SUV, even before they ran for cover.
But yes, again, I see your point, but I wouldn't rate it as the worst moment in the series, just because of some episode ending suspension.

Remember Fring walking without half of his face?
That was the bullshit for me. But I survived.