BZZZ. Sorry, wrong answer. They aren't being told of the PC's presense.DarkUnderlord said:All that's happening is the Bad Guys are being told of the PCs presence without seeing him.
Oh, and did you forget the part where I mentioned So, IF you can lure someone to a nice dark alley and kill them quickly and quietly, you should have no problem getting away with it. Both the words "if" and "should" are in that sentence. That implies you won't always be able to do it. And I never said anything about these being hard-coded scripted events (they aren't).DarkUnderlord said:Oh, and did you forget the part where they mentioned luring the NPC away?
For that matter, why should they be able to reach for their weapon, or shout for help, or run away, etc., etc.?DarkUnderlord said:If you're luring someone away to kill them, why the hell would you give them the chance to reach for their radio?
As I've said before, only in areas where that would make sense, and only after the town figured you were the one that did it. Which towns this happens or doesn't happen in is determined by the designers. If a town/area is lawless, you'll be able to get away with murder (literally).DarkOverlord said:Regardless, it results in "Silent Kill = Combat with whole town"
BZZZ. Wrong. Try again. You won't be able to lure people away if it makes sense.DarkOverlord said:... because the PC won't actually be able to lure anyone away unless it's scripted, right?Briareus said:While your logic is sound, it is based upon a scenario that won't exist.
I realize now that I was using terms we use on the team and that they're causing confusion. What I should have said was, "Also, when you kill someone, most areas will start a timer. When the timer is up, the "faction" will assume you did it. The duration of the timer could be hours, days, weeks, whatever." That faction could be a gang, a mob, a group of whores, raiders, slaves, or everyone in an area. It just depends on the area and what makes sense.DarkOverlord said:Funny feature to add. The ability to kill an NPC quietly (sorry, scripted event), then come back weeks later to find the town hostile and screaming "You did it! MURDERER" (psychics!). I'm sure that'll be fun when it happens in a town you need to travel to so you can complete one quest, just to find the whole town attacking you because you SECRETLY LURED AWAY and murdered some guy a couple of weeks ago. In fact, what's the WHOLE POINT in a silent kill and combat detection/perception system if it's ultimate result is delaying combat until the next time you enter the town?Briareus said:Also, when you kill someone, most areas will start a timer. When the timer is up, the "town" will assume you did it. The duration of the timer could be hours, days, weeks, whatever.
The timer us used in areas where it is safe for the NPCs to assume "that new stranger guy that was here" must have done it. If it's not safe to assume, then there won't be a timer.DarkUnderlord said:What's better than NPCs reacting immediately to things they didn't perceive? Why, reacting to things they didn't percieve with a delay of course! At least in my lame example, they only knew people had gone missing. In yours, you take it one step further and have them blame the PC as well! After all, that's what they're doing when the timer ticks down and they somehow *know* that the PC is responsible for the death of someone murdered a week ago. They may not have even seen the PC at all, yet they know he's a murderer?
The PC typically only mentions completion of a quest to the quest giver or to a NPC that would care about the quest. If it's in the NPCs character design to doubt the player, they can very well do that if the designers want them to.DarkUnderlord said:You might also want to think about what you've said. Just how many things are going to occur WHEN THE NPC IN QUESTION DIDN'T PERCEIVE THEM? How many quests will the PC be doing where he'll say "Yeah, I did that" and he'll be taken at his word? How many times will a "Bad Guy" see the PC and start shooting because the "Bad Guy" instinctively knows that the PC is his enemy? If you don't have ANY situation like that, then you're making one hell of a break-through computer game.
As for Bad Guys shooting the PC on sight, why not? If someone is ordered to defend an area against attackers, and they see someone they don't recognize, you don't want them to start shooting?